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Print Invoice Reports

Use the Print Invoices window to submit your invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, guarantees, invoices against deposits, invoices against guarantees, credit memos, on-account credits, and adjustments for printing. You can print a batch of invoices, new invoices, selected invoices, and adjustments.

Report Parameters

Invoice Print Batch of Invoices: Choose this option to display Batch, Transaction Class, Transaction Type, Tax Registration Number, and Open Invoices Only in your report.

Invoice Print New Invoices: Choose this option to display Transaction Type, Transaction Class, Print Date, Installment Number, Open Invoices Only and Tax Registration Number in your report.

Invoice Print Preview Report: Choose this option to review the invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, guarantees, credit memos, on-account credits that will print if you specify these report parameters.

Invoice Print Selected Invoices: Choose this option to display Transaction Class, Transaction Type, Transaction Number, Print Date, Customer Class, Customer, Installment Number, Open Invoices Only, and Tax Registration Number.

Print Adjustments: Choose this option to display Adjustment Number, Transaction Number, and Tax Registration Number in your report. This option lets you print specific adjustments if your customer needs to see an adjustment made on one of their debit items.

Report Parameters

Adjustment Number: Receivables displays report information for the adjustment number range that you specify.

Batch: Receivables displays report information for the batch you specify.

Customer Class: Receivables displays report information for the customer class that you specify.

Customer: Receivables displays report information for the customer name that you specify.

Installment Number: For transactions with split payment terms, you can specify the installment number. To print all installments, do not enter an installment number.

Open Invoices Only: Specify whether to print only open debit items. The default value is Yes.

Order By: Receivables displays report information in the order you specify. Choose one from the following options:

Print Date: Receivables displays report information from the print date range you specify. The print date is the transaction date unless you have specified print lead days on your payment term, in which case the print date is the number of lead days before your transaction due date.

Print Option: Select which invoice you want Receivables to include in your preview. Choose one of the following options:

Tax Registration Number: Receivables displays your tax registration number on each printed transaction. The default is the tax registration number that you entered in the QuickCash window.

Transaction Class: Receivables displays report information for the transaction class that you specify. You can choose Chargeback, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Deposit, Guarantee, or Invoice.

Transaction Number: Receivables displays report information from the transaction number range you specify.

Transaction Type: Receivables displays report information for the transaction type that you specify.

Tax Options

Receivables lets you specify how tax amounts will print on your invoices and debit memos. When you define and maintain your customer profiles, you can specify the tax printing option for each site or customer. If you do not specify tax printing options for your customer or their sites, Receivables uses the value you entered in the Quick Receipts window. You can choose the from the following options:

Itemize by line Choose this option to itemize tax information for each invoice line. Receivables displays this information after each invoice line.
Summarize by tax code Choose this option to display all tax information under the Tax Summary by Tax Code heading. If you have two tax lines with the same tax code, rate, exemption and precedence number, Receivables will group them together.
Itemize and Summarize Choose this option to display both itemized and summarized tax information.
Total tax only Choose this option to display only the total tax amount at the bottom of the document.
European Tax Format Choose this option to print tax information in the following format: Tax rates printed as the last column of invoice lines, freight items printed last, and the taxable amount with the summarized tax codes printed at the end of the invoice.

Enabling the Print Tax Yes/No Flag

There is a Tax field in the report which is controlled by a hidden SRS parameter, Print Tax Yes/No Flag. This parameter is hidden because it has been included for compatibility with Release 9 only. If you set the parameter to Yes, an X will print in the Tax field if the line has tax associated with it. If the parameter is set to No, this field will always be blank.

Since you cannot set any values for this parameter through the regular SRS screen, follow the procedure described below to set the Print Tax Yes/No Flag to Yes:

Report Headings

Back Order: (Receivables does not populate this column.)

Bill-To: The bill-to customer and address for this transaction.

Currency Code: The currency code for this transaction.

Customer Contact: The customer's contact.

Customer Number: The identification number for the customer on this transaction.

Date: The transaction date.

Description: The item description for each item on the transaction.

Due Date: The date that payment for this transaction is due.

Extended Amount: The total amount for this item. This total is the quantity shipped times the unit price.

Extended Amount: The total amount for this item. This total is the quantity shipped times the unit price.

Invoice/Credit Memo/Guarantee/Adjustment: Receivables prints the type of transaction in the upper right hand corner of the report to signify whether this is an invoice, credit memo, guarantee or adjustment. Receivables prints 'Invoice' for invoices, debit memos and deposits and 'Credit Memo' for credit memos and on-account credits.

Item No: The number for the items on this transaction. The first item has an item number of 1 and each following item is numbered sequentially.

Location Number: A number for the location of this customer.

Number: The transaction number.

Our Reference: The invoice number of the invoice that a credit memo credits. This value is only filled in for credit memos.

Our Reference: The invoice number of the invoice that a credit memo credits. This value is only filled in for credit memos.

Page: The page number of this transaction. The page number is displayed in the following format: 'X of Y' where X is the page of this transaction and Y is the total number of pages for this transaction.

Purchase Order Number: The purchase order number from your customer for this invoice.

Quantity Ordered: Receivables displays the number of units that were originally ordered for this item.

Quantity Shipped: The number of units that were shipped and are being invoiced on this transaction.

Remit To: The address where your customers send their receipts.

Sales Order Number: The sales order number with which this invoice is associated.

Salesperson: The primary salesperson for this transaction.

Ship Date: The date that the items on this transaction were shipped.

Ship-To: The ship-to customer and address for this transaction.

Shipping Reference: The shipping reference number for this transaction.

Shipping/Handling: The shipping and handling charges for this transaction.

Special Instructions: Any special instructions that you have entered for this transaction.

Subtotal: The subtotal of the line items for this transaction.

Tax Registration Number: The tax registration number for this transaction.

Tax: Receivables displays a 'Y' if tax was charged on this line and an 'N' if tax was not charged on this line.

Terms: The payment terms for this transaction.

Total: The total of all line items, tax, and shipping charges for this transaction.

Transaction Description: A description of the transaction.

Unit Price: The price for one unit of this item.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Printing Transactions

Receivables Standard Reports

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