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Understanding Your Printed Transactions

The Receivables Print Invoices program lets you generate invoices, debit memos, commitments, chargebacks, credit memos and adjustments to send to your customers. By specifying values for your report parameters you can control the type of transactions you want Receivables to generate. For example, if you only want to generate transactions for a specific customer, you can specify the customer's name as one of your report parameters.

When printing invoices, format pages are printed for each new group of documents. These pages are provided to help with printer alignment. To prevent the invoice print programs from printing format pages you must reset the Default Value field for each program. The Invoice print programs have a parameter 'Number of alignment pages' that determines how many header pages to print out. To change the default, use the Application Developer responsibility, navigate to the Define Concurrent Program window, then query the following programs:

For each program, choose Parameters. Change the Default Value to '0,' then save the change. You must change the Default Value for each program.

Printing Invoices

Consider the following when determining the range of invoice dates to print:

If the invoice you are printing has a payment term where Print Lead Days is 0, Receivables uses the transaction date to determine if this transaction falls into the Start and End Date range you specify.

If the invoice you are printing has a payment term where Print Lead Days is greater than 0, Receivables uses Due Date-Print Lead Days to determine if this transaction falls into the Start and End Date range you specify.

Invoices & Debit Memos

For each invoice Receivables displays the quantity ordered, shipped, unit price, and extended amount.

Receivables prints the entire description for each invoice line. Text wraps to the next line.

Receivables displays the total amount of the lines, tax, and shipping in the body of the printed invoice.

For installments, Receivables displays the total amount due for each installment as well as the line, tax, and freight amount in the subtotal fields.

Credit Memos

For each credit memo, Receivables displays a row for every invoice line, tax, or freight amount you are crediting.

Credit memo amounts display as negative numbers.

Receivables displays the percent of the credit memo applied to the transaction you are crediting.


For each deposit, Receivables prints unit price, extended amount, and '1' in the quantity ordered and quantity shipped columns. Unit price and extended amount will always be the same.

Receivables prints 'N' in the Tax column and does not print tax and shipping amounts since these amounts are not part of the deposit.

Receivables prints the effective start date and the effective end date if you enter one.


For each guarantee, Receivables prints unit price, extended amount, and '1' in the quantity ordered and quantity shipped columns. Unit price and extended amount will always be the same.

Receivables prints 'N' in the Tax column and does not print tax and shipping amounts since these amounts are not part of the guarantee.

Receivables prints the effective start date and the effective end date if you enter one.

Receivables prints a message in the body of the guarantee explaining that this is not a request for payment.

Invoices Against Deposits

Receivables prints a row for each invoice line. If your line includes tax charges, Receivables displays 'Y' in the tax column. Receivables also prints the amount deducted from the deposit. This amount displays as a negative number.

Receivables displays the original balance of your deposit, less any activity. Activity includes any previous transactions as well as the current invoice. Receivables calculates and displays the current deposit balance. The deposit balance does not include any tax or shipping charges. Tax and shipping charges are printed at the bottom of the invoice in their respective columns and must be collected.

Invoices Against Guarantees

Receivables prints a row for each invoice line. If your line includes tax charges, Receivables displays 'Y' in the tax column.

Receivables displays the original balance of your guarantee, less any activity. Activity includes any previous transactions as well as the current invoice. Receivables calculates and displays the current guarantee balance. The guarantee balance does not include any tax or shipping charges. Tax and shipping charges are printed at the bottom of the invoice in their respective columns and must be collected in addition to the line amount(s).

Printing Tax

Receivables prints tax on your invoices and debit memos depending upon the value you entered for the Tax Printing option assigned to your customer's profile class. See: Defining Customer Profile Classes. (If you did not enter a Tax Printing option in your customer's profile class, Receivables uses the value you entered in the System Options window.) If you select Itemize by Line, Receivables prints a line for each tax line. Following are Receivables' tax printing options:

European Tax Format: Print tax information in the following format: Tax rates printed as the last column of invoice lines, freight items printed last, and the taxable amount with the summarized tax codes printed at the end of the invoice.

Itemize by Line: Itemize tax information for each invoice line. Receivables displays this information after each invoice line.

Itemize and Summarize: Display both itemized and recap tax information.

Summarize by Tax Code: Display all tax information under the heading 'Tax Summary by Tax Code.' If you have two tax lines with the same tax code, rate, exemption, and precedence number, Receivables will group them together.

Summarize By Tax Name: Display all tax information under the heading 'Tax Summary by Tax Name.' If you have two tax lines with the same tax name, rate, exemption, and precedence number, Receivables will group them together.

Total Tax Only: Display only the total tax amount at the bottom of the document.

See Also

Entering Transactions

Printing Transactions

Receivables Invoice Print Reports

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