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Receipt Analysis - Days Late Report

Use this report to review your customer receipts. You can easily see which customers are constantly past due with their receipts. This report provides details of each receipt by customer, including the receipt number, amount paid, and days late. Receivables also calculates the weighted average days late for each customer so you can see how costly the late receipts are to your company.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables will sort information in this report using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

Report Headings

Transaction Date Between (Date) and (Date): The transaction date range you specified in the report parameters.

Order By: Your sort by option for this report. You can only order by customer or Alternate name.

Row Headings

Average Days Late: The average days late for receipt by customer and currency.

Currency: The currency used by each customer. If your customer uses more than one currency, Receivables displays each currency separately.

Weighted Average Days Late: Receivables prints the weighted average days late for receipts within the date range by customer and currency. Use average weighted days late to see the average amount that past due debit items cost you.

Weighted Average Days Late = Amount * Days Late
Average Days Late

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receivables Standard Reports

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