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Automatic Clearing for Receipts Execution Report

Use this report to review the results of your Automatic Clearing program. Receivables creates this report each time you run Automatic Clearing.

Selected Report Parameters

Clear Date: Specify the date that Automatic Clearing should use as the clearance date when recording transactions. This is also the date that is used to make exchange rate adjustments. The default is today's date.

Clear Discounted Receipts: Choose whether to clear factored receipts.

Eliminate Bank Risk: Choose whether to eliminate risk on factored receipts.

Exchange Rate Type: Exchange rate adjustments are made for receipts whose currency is different from the bank account currency. Enter the exchange rate type that should be used to determine the exchange rate.

Remittance Bank Account: Select and clear/risk eliminate receipts for the remittance bank account you specify.

See Also

Automatic Clearing for Receipts

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Receivables Standard Reports

Bank Risk Report

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