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Sales Journal by GL Account

Use the Sales Journal by GL Account with the following formula to ensure that the Transaction Register matches your Sales Journal. You also use the Sales Journal when you balance your accounts receivable aging to your general ledger.

To match both foreign and functional currency amounts to your general ledger, run your Sales Journal by currency. If you want to preview your post to see if your debits match your credits, run the Sales Journal with a posting status of Unposted.

Report Parameters

Account: Enter the full Accounting Flexfield range you want to include in this report. You can use this range to query for Tax Transactions not posted to Sales Tax Liability Accounts and for Non-Tax Transactions posted to Sales Tax Liability Accounts.

Currency Code: The currency code you want to include in this report.

GL Account Type: The type of general ledger accounts to include in this report. You can enter Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax account types.

GL Date: The invoice general ledger date range you want to include in this report.

Order By: Sort your information by choosing one of the following:

Customer Sort and print your sales journal information by customer name.
Invoice Number Sort and print your sales journal information by invoice number.
Posting Status: The posting status to include in this report (Posted or Unposted). If you do not specify a status then the report will show all items.

Report Headings

Company: The balancing segment for this group of transactions.

Currency: The currency code for this group of transactions.

GL Account Type: The general ledger account type for the sales journal information on this page of the report.

GL Date (Date) to (Date): The range of invoice general ledger dates you selected to print on this report.

Posting Status: The posting status for sales journal information on this page of your report.

Row Headings

Subtotal by Invoice Currency: The total amount of debits and credits for an invoice in your functional currency.

Totals: The total amount of debits and credits for this report in both your foreign and functional currency.

See Also

Transaction Register

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receivables Standard Reports

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