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Sales Tax Rate Interface Validation

By understanding the data in the AR_TAX_INTERFACE table, you can identify the underlying causes of invalid tax interface data. If the Sales Tax Rate Interface program identifies a record in the interface table that has invalid data, then the program will not pass this record into Receivables location and tax rate tables.

Each location that you load into the tax interface table must have a unique location ID associated with it. This unique location ID enables the Sales Tax Rate Interface program to distinguish between different locations even if the same name appears more than once in your tax data. All locations which are junior to other locations must identify their parent through the parent location ID. The Sales Tax Rate Interface program will only load a tax record into Receivables if it has a parent, unless it is a senior location.

In the example below, each location has a unique location ID. This location ID is composed of a unique identifier for the junior location, prefixed with the location ID of the parent of this location. To identify their parents, the county of Los Angeles has the location ID of California as its parent location ID, and the city of Los Angeles has the location ID of Los Angeles county as its parent location ID.

Record Number Location ID Parent Location ID Location Value Location Qualifier
1 11 California State
2 1101 11 Los Angeles County
3 110102 1101 Los Angeles City
4 110103 Santa Monica City
5 1104 11 Orange County County
4 110405 1104 Santa Ana City

Note: The Sales Tax program will not load Record 4 into Receivables because this record does not have a parent location ID and its qualifier indicates that this is not a senior location.

If a tax record that you load into the tax interface table from your sales tax feeder system includes a location without rates, then the Sales Tax Rate Interface program will load this location information. You must assign tax rates to this location manually using the Tax Locations and Rates window in Receivables.

If the tax record that you load into the interface table has a tax account segment, Receivables will automatically default the tax account defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window for the tax code of type 'Location' as the tax account for this segment. The tax account will be populated in the AR_LOCATION_VALUES.TAX_ACCOUNT_CCID.

If no tax code of type 'Location' has been defined, Receivables will use the Tax Location Account defined in the System Options window as the default tax account for this segment.

Each location that you pass into the tax interface table must have an appropriate segment qualifier value. You assign a segment qualifier to each segment of your Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure. For example, if you are loading in the city of Los Angeles, then this location must have a segment qualifier of 'CITY'. The Sales Tax Rate Interface program will not load tax records into Receivables that do not have a segment qualifier.

Each record in the tax interface table must have a value for the CHANGE_FLAG column. This value indicates to the Sales Tax Rate Interface program whether a record is different from the most recent listing of this tax data. If this column is 'N', then the Sales Tax Rate Interface program assumes this record is unchanged. If it is 'Y', then the program assumes that this record is different from the most recent listing. You can use this column to submit the Sales Tax Rate Interface program only for tax data that has been changed since the last submission. This could reduce the time it takes to upload your Sales Tax data.

The Sales Tax Rate Interface program assigns Action Codes to each row of the Sales Tax Rate Interface table based on the results of the validation it performed for that row.

See Also

Sales Tax Rate Interface Program Updates of AR_TAX_INTERFACE Table

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