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Definitions - Opportunity Status Values

An opportunity becomes part of your forecast when its status is Won, Forecasted, or Upside. Oracle Sales and Marketing automatically sets the status to Forecasted when the win probability reaches or exceeds a predetermined level. Your implementation team determines what that level is. Your implementation team also determines whether you are permitted to override the opportunity status.

Possible opportunity status values are:

Preliminary: Opportunities with a preliminary status are not included in the reference totals on the Forecast window, and are not visible from the Opportunity Adjustments window.

Upside: This status is assigned to opportunities that are further along than Preliminary, but do not have the win confidence of a Forecasted opportunity. These are included in the Upside totals on the forecast screen. These opportunities also appear on the Opportunity Adjustments screen.

Forecasted: The opportunity is far enough along in the sales cycle that you reasonably expect it to close by the date indicated. Opportunities with a forecasted status will appear in the pipeline aggregate on the Forecast tab and on the Opportunities Adjustment window.

Won: Used for opportunities that have been closed successfully.

Dealer: For opportunities that are being worked through a partner or reseller.

Expired: For opportunities that are closed due to inactivity. The length of time before an opportunity expires is determined by your implementation team.

No Opportunity: This status is for opportunities that close without a sale.

Lost: This status is assigned to opportunities lost to competitors.

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