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Entering Script Questions, Answers, and Actions

For each defined script, you must enter the question number and text, possible answers for each question, and, for each answer, the action(s) you want performed in the Script Questions, Answers, and Actions window.


   To enter a script question and its answers:

Suggestion: You may want to use the sequence number as part of the label. For example, label the answers to question 1 as 1A, 1B, and 1C and the answers to question 2 as 2A, 2B, and 2C.

Suggestion: To make it easier to process mail responses, make sure the sequence and label numbers can be easily matched to the questions and possible responses printed on the card.

Please respond to the following questions.

My company has: My industry has:
A. 1-50 employees A. Pharmaceuticals
B. 51-100 employees B. Medical Supplies
C. 101-200 employees C. Homeopathic Supplies
D. over 200 employees D. Non-health Care

You represent the card with two script questions each having four answers.

Sequence Question
1 My company has:
Label Answer Text
1A 1-50 employees
1B 51-100 employees
1C 101-200 employees
1D Over 200 employees

Sequence Question
2 My industry has:
Label Answer Text
2A Pharmaceuticals
2B Medical supplies
2C Homeopathic supplies
2D Non-health care

Suggestion: When processing mail responses, the question does not appear in the Mail Responses window. To help ensure responses are accurately entered, compose the answer text in a way that reflects the question asked. For example, if the question is: Was the seminar worth your time? Enter an affirmative answer as Yes, the seminar was worth my time and a negative answer as No, the seminar was not worth my time.

   To branch the script:

There may be instances where you wish to have the script question jump ahead to a question out of sequence because the responder indicated a certain response to a question. The Next Seq field in the Pre-Defined Answers region defines the question number that the response leads to. For example, you may have Question 1, Pre-defined Answer 2, lead to Question 18 in your script.

   To define automatic actions for an answer:

Action Type Result
Enroll for Event Enrolls a contact in the specified event.
Product Interest Creates an interest for a contact of specified type, primary code, and secondary code.
Create Lead Creates a lead defined by name, rank, sales stage, item, and interest.
Send Collateral Creates a collateral request for the specified collateral piece. If a letter is specified in the Scripts window, it is attached as the cover letter.

Action Type Create Lead Enroll for Event Product Interest Send Collateral
Interest Type X   X  
Item X     X
Code X X X X
Secondary Code X   X  
Description   X X X
Interest Status     X  
Lead Name X      
Lead Rank X      
Lead Sales Stage X      

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