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Item and Routing Revisions

You can define any number of revisions for the item and any number of routing revisions for an item's routing.

Assign each revision a unique three character alphanumeric revision identifier (such as A, B, B1, and so on) and a revision date. Revisions are sorted according to ASCII rules. Each revision must be greater than the previous revision. Therefore, you cannot use revision 10 after revision 9 because, according to ASCII sorting, 10 precedes 9.

Use letters and/or numbers to label revisions. Letters are always upper case and numbers may include decimals. To ensure that revisions sort properly (according to ASCII sorting rules), decimals should always be followed by a number. Therefore, valid revisions can include: A, B, 1, 2, A1, B1, 1A, 1B, 0.0, 0.1, A.0, A.1, and so on. When you create an item or a routing, the beginning revision defaults to the value for Starting Revision in the Organization Parameters window.

When you create or update a bill of material or routing, you can choose to create a new revision or modify an existing revision. When adding new revisions, you should be sure that the revision date you enter does not overlap with other existing revision dates. Revisions are time-stamped, so you can determine the latest revision for multiple revisions defined on the same date. New revision numbers must be greater than the revision number of the currently effective revision.

Different versions of a bill of material or routing can be defined within the same revision. You can change component information for bills or operation information for routings without modifying the revision.

For example, assume that you defined an initial revision A on 18-AUG and made a change on 20-AUG without creating a new revision. If you make another change on 22-AUG, you can create a new revision B, effective 22-AUG. There are now three different versions of the item: revision A of 18-AUG, revision A of 20-AUG, and revision B of 22-AUG.

See Also

Defining Item Revisions


Effective Date Fields

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