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Bill of Material Loop Report

Use the Bill of Material Loop Report to check for loops in a bill of material. Bill loops occur when you assign an assembly as a component to itself somewhere in the multilevel structure. You must fix loops before you can run an accurate MRP, or define a discrete job or repetitive schedule for the assembly.

If no loop exists, No Data Found is printed on the report.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Loop Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Item Selection

Choose one of the following options:

Range Check for loops in the bill of material structure for a range of items you specify.
Specific Check for loops in the item you specify. Bills of Material displays this option as the default.


Enter a top-level item (not a component of another item). Bills of Material checks for loops throughout the multilevel structure, starting with this level.

Alternate Selection

Choose one of the following options:

All Verify the bill structure for both the primary and alternate assemblies.
Primary Verify the bill structure for the primary assemblies only. Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
Specific Verify the bill structure for a specific alternate only.


Enter an alternate for the item. The bill structure for item associated with this alternate is checked.


Enter a revision for the item.


Enter the date and time to explode the bill of material.

Items From/To

To restrict the report to a range of items, select the begining and ending item numbers.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The bill structure associated with this category set is checked. The default is the category set you defined for your functional area. You can enter a value in this field only if you entered Range in the Item Selection field.

Category From/To

To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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