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Consolidated Bill of Material Report

Use the Consolidated Bill of Material Report to summarize component usage at all levels for a manufacturing bill of material.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Consolidated Bill of Material Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Item Selection

Choose one of the following options:

Range Report the consolidated bill for the range of items you specify.
Specific Report the consolidated bill for the specific item you specify.


Enter a specific item.

Alternate Selection

Choose one of the following options:

All Report the consolidated bill for the primary and alternate assemblies.
Primary Report the consolidated bill for only the primary assembly.
Specific Report the consolidated bill for the alternate assembly you specify.


Enter a specific alternate to report.


Enter a revision for the item. The consolidated bill associated with this revision is printed.


Enter a revision date and time. If you entered a specific item and a revision, the date defaults to the highest date of the revision. The consolidated bill effective as of this date and time is printed.

Items From/To

To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

Category Set

Enter a category set. Routings associated with this category set are reported. The default is the category set you defined for your functional area.

Categories From/To

To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

Levels to Explode

Enter the number of levels to explode the bill of material. The default is derived from the value entered when bill of material parameters were defined.

Implemented Only

Indicate whether to report only implemented or all components used by assemblies as of the effective date.

Display Option

Choose one of the following options:

All Report all past, current, and pending components associated with the bill.
Current Report all components effective as of the revision date. Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
Future and current Report all future and current components as of the revision date.

Explosion Quantity

Enter a quantity to explode. This quantity is used to calculate the requirements for the components of the parent item by multiplying this quantity by the component usage in the bill of material.

Assembly Detail

Indicate whether you want to print assembly detail associated with the bill.

Use Planning Percent

Indicate whether you want to use the planning percent to calculate the component requirements of the present item. Component requirements are calculated by multiplying the component usage quantity by the explosion quantity, and then multiplying the component planning percent.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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