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Submit Forecast Parameters

Enter values for the following parameters when you generate forecasts using either the Submit Forecast window or the Submit Request window.

Forecast By. (Submit Forecast window only) The forecast period type used to run the cash forecast.

Note: When you define a forecast template, you specify the forecast period type as GL Periods or Days.

Template Name. The forecast template used to create a new forecast. The choices in the list of values depend on the forecast period type you chose above.

Forecast Name. The unique forecast name for this cash forecast. If you do not enter a forecast name, Cash Management automatically generates a unique name for you by attaching the system date and time to the template name.

Calendar Name. The name of the GL accounting calendar, used only when submitting a forecast by GL Period.

Attention: All GL sources for a forecast by GL periods must use sets of books with the same accounting calendar. If you are creating a forecast across multiple organizations, all organizations' sets of books must use the same accounting calendar.

Start Period and Start Date. The accounting period to begin the forecast, or the day to begin the forecast. Cash Management restricts you to using Start Period when submitting a forecast by GL Period, and Start Date when submitting a forecast by Days.

Note: The Start Date or Period should be as of today or in the future. If you enter a start date in the past, or a start period in the past (or that is in progress), the forecast only includes transactions as of today. For example, if an invoice is paid today, but you enter a forecast start date of two days ago to try to include it as an open invoice, Cash Management still considers it paid and therefore does not include the invoice (as open) in the forecast.

Forecast Currency. The currency in which the forecast amounts are to be displayed.

Source Currency Type. The currency type for the sources in the cash forecast:

Source Currency. The currency for the source transactions. The transactions included in your forecast calculations are determined by the combination of your entries for this field and the Source Currency Type field, as explained in the following table. If the Source Currency Type is All, you do not enter a Source Currency.

Source Currency Type Which Transactions Are Included
All All transactions, all sets of books, all operating units
Entered All transactions entered in the Source Currency for all sets of books
Functional All transactions for all sets of books where the Source Currency is the functional currency

Exchange Date and Exchange Type. The exchange rate date, and the exchange rate type, which is defined in Oracle General Ledger. These fields are required if the Forecast Currency and the Source Currency are not the same.

Attention: Cash Management automatically converts transaction currency amounts to the forecast currency according to the daily rates for the specified exchange rate type and date.

Exchange Rate. The user-defined currency exchange rate when the Exchange (Rate) Type is User. The User rate only applies when the Source Currency Type is Entered, as no one rate will apply to converting various currencies to the forecast currency. This field is required if the Forecast Currency and the Source Currency are not the same.

Amount Threshold. The minimum value of individual transactions to be included in the forecast, allowing you to omit insignificant transaction amounts from the forecast calculations. Cash Management compares this amount to transaction amounts if the Source Currency Type is Entered, and functional amounts of transaction if the Source Currency Type is Functional. The program then only selects transactions that are greater than this amount threshold.

If you leave this field blank, then the program selects all valid transactions that meet the selection criteria. This field is not applicable when the Source Currency Type is All.

Row Number From/To. A list of values provides you with a choice to run a partial forecast for sequential rows of the template you entered.

Request by Row. Check this check box to submit a separate concurrent request for each row, so that the rows for the forecast are generated concurrently. (This method is useful for testing or for very large forecasts, that is, forecasts with a large amount of data.)

Creating a Manually Entered Cash Forecast

You can create a new cash forecast using an existing template without running the forecast program, with no values calculated. You can then manually fill in forecast amounts to the new forecast.

   To create an empty cash forecast from a template:

Attention: When you add or delete columns and rows on a forecast template, the changes affect manually created forecasts based on that template as well as those automatically generated.

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