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Mapping Transaction Attributes to Receivables Attributes

After you specify the data you want Oracle Sales Compensation to collect and the documents that serve as the sources for this data, you need to associate each attribute in your compensation transaction with its data source--the Oracle Receivables database columns where the information is stored.

By associating each column in your compensation transaction with its source column in an Oracle Receivables transaction table, you provide a "map" that tells Oracle Sales Compensation where to look for the information you need.

You can map transaction data at three levels--the Header table level, which gives you customer information, at the Line table level, which gives you product or item information, and at the Sales Lines table level, which gives you salesperson information.

To define how you want to bring transaction information into Oracle Sales Compensation from Oracle Receivables, you can use either the defaults that Oracle Sales Compensation gives you, or add attributes to the default mappings by defining mappings directly or indirectly. Your choices are as follows:

Note: Using an expression requires understanding of the underlying database and should be done by a system administrator. Contact your system administrator to help you define an expression.

Figure 4-7 illustrates the mapping choices.

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