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RCCP Rate-Based Report

The RCCP Rate-Based Report displays the rough-cut capacity information for repetitively planned items manufactured on rate based lines for a selected master schedule and a bill of resource. You can display the report information in a combination of weekly and periodic buckets. You can report on lines where percent of utilization falls below or exceeds a specified percentage. You can report rough-cut capacity information on all lines, a range of lines, or a specific line.

Note: You can launch this report from Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning modules.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter RCCP Rate-Based Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Schedule Name

Enter a master schedule name for which you want to generate a rough-cut capacity planning report.

Bill of Resources

Enter a bill of resources to calculate the rough-cut capacity plan for the schedule.


Choose one of the following time periods:

12 Report the rough-cut capacity plan for 12 periods.
24 Report the rough-cut capacity plan for 24 periods.
36 Report the rough-cut capacity plan for 36 periods.
48 Report the rough-cut capacity plan for 48 periods.


Enter the number of weeks. Together with the number of periods you chose, this determines how many weeks and how many months appear in the report.

For example, suppose you choose 24 periods and 10 weeks. Oracle Capacity displays 10 of the 24 periods on the report as weeks and the remaining 14 periods as months.

This field presents as valid choices only those values that insure whole month buckets in the rest of the report. For example, suppose your organization calendar has a 445 weekly quarter pattern, and that the current date falls in the third week of the first period in the quarter. Oracle Capacity presents only those values that correspond to the end of future months; thus, you see choices for 1 (end of current month) 5 (end of next month) and 10 weeks (end of quarter.)

Include Costs

Choose one of the following options:

No Do not display the standard cost of each resource.
Yes Display the standard cost of each resource. Display the cost estimate for each period, equal to the resource cost times the total requirements for a period; plus any applicable department overhead.

Include Requirements Detail

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Include the vertical requirements listing. This listing displays each resource requirement along with information on the master schedule source of the requirement.
No Do not report the vertical requirements listing.

Low Utilization Percent

Enter a percentage to use as the minimum percent cutoff.

High Utilization Percent

Enter a percentage to use as the maximum percent cutoff.

Line From

Enter a beginning line in a range of production lines. Oracle Capacity reports the rough-cut capacity plan from this value to the To value.

Line To

Enter an ending line in a range of production lines. Oracle Capacity reports the rough-cut capacity plan from the From value to this value.

Horizontal Display Factor

Enter a space saving factor by which all numbers in the horizontal listing section are divided by. For example, if the horizontal display factor is 100, 1050.25 is displayed as 1050. Oracle Capacity displays 1 as the default.

See Also

Submitting a Request

CRP Reports

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