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Move Transactions

A move transaction moves assemblies within an operation, such as from Queue to Run, or from one operation to the next. Move transactions can automatically launch operation completion backflushing and charge resources and overheads.

You can perform move transactions using the Move Transactions window, Open Move Transaction Interface window, or the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing.

Backflush Material Transactions

With backflushing, you issue component material used in an assembly or subassembly by exploding the bills of material, and then multiplying by the number of assemblies produced.

Move transactions can create operation pull backflush material transactions that issue component material from designated WIP supply subinventories and locators to a job or repetitive schedule. For backflush components under lot or serial number control, you assign the lot or serial numbers during the move transaction.

When you move backward in a routing, Work in Process automatically reverses operation pull backflush transactions. The accounting entries for move transactions are:

Account Debit Credit
WIP accounting class valuation accounts XX  
      Subinventory elemental accounts   XX

The accounting entries for return transactions are:

Account Debit Credit
Subinventory elemental accounts XX  
      WIP accounting class valuation accounts   XX

Moved Based Resource Charging

As the assemblies you build pass through the operations on their routings, move transactions charge all pre-assigned resources with an auto-charge type of WIP Move at their standard rate.

You can charge resources based upon a fixed amount per item moved in an operation (Item basis) or based upon a fixed lot charge per item moved in an operation (Lot basis). For resources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically charges the lot cost upon completion of the first assembly in the operation.

You can also enter manual resource transactions associated with a move, or independent of any moves. You can manually charge resources to a job and repetitive schedule provided the job and repetitive schedule has a routing. You can also transact resources through the Open Resource Transaction Interface.

See Also

Overview of Resource Management

Charging Resources with Move Transactions

Backflush Transactions

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