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Backflush Transactions

Backflush transactions 'pull' components with Operation Pull and Assembly Pull supply types from inventory onto jobs and repetitive schedules. Backflush transactions can be launched by:

Move transactions imported through the Open Move Transaction Interface can also create backflush transactions. Transactions imported through the Oracle Inventory, Inventory Transactions Interface can also create backflush transactions.

Additional Information: Backflushing reduces the number of manual material transactions required to process the discrete jobs and repetitive schedules.

Reverse Backflush Transactions

You can reverse backflush transactions and automatically return backflushed components back to inventory. For example, pull components that are backflushed as you move assemblies forward in a routing are automatically returned to inventory when you move assemblies backwards. Reverse backflush transactions can be created as you do the following:

Move transactions imported through the Oracle Work in Process Open Move Transaction Interface can also reverse backflush transactions as can return transactions imported through the Inventory Transaction Interface.

Backflush Supply Subinventories and Locators

Sufficient inventory must exist in a component's source subinventory and locator for backflush transactions to complete successfully. If there is insufficient on-hand inventory to satisfy backflush demand, the supply subinventory balance is forced negative even if the Oracle Inventory Allow Negative Balance parameter is set to No. See: Organization Parameters Window and Defining Default Inventory Parameters.

The one exception is if the component you are backflushing is under lot, serial, or lot and serial number control. In this case you cannot complete the backflush transaction until you select a subinventory and locator that contains a sufficient quantity of valid lot and/or serial numbered items. See: Lot and Serial Number Backflushing.

Supply subinventories and locator can be defined at the item or bill of material component level. If they are not defined, the system uses the supply subinventory and locator specified by the WIP Backflush Supply Subinventory and Locator Parameters when components are backflushed. See: Backflush Default Parameters.

To ensure adequate supply for backflush transactions, you can replenish supply subinventories and locators as required. See: Supply Subinventory and Locator Replenishment Options.

Revision Control

For component items under revision control, the system always defaults the revision based on the item's current revision as of the date of the transaction. See: Item and Routing Revisions.

See Also

Assembly Completions and Returns

Assembly Pull Backflush Transactions

Operation Pull Backflush Transactions

Completing and Returning Assemblies

Performing Move Completion Transactions

Backflush Transaction Options

Backflushing Pull Components

Supply Types

Resource Charge Types

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