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Lot and Serial Number Backflushing

Assembly and Operation Pull components that are under lot, serial, or lot and serial number control can be backflushed. You can also backflush Push components that are requirements of work order-less schedules.

Lot Controlled Components

You can use WIP parameters to determine how lot numbers are assigned and verified during backflush transactions. You can use the WIP Lot Selection Method parameter to determines how lot controlled Assembly Pull and Component Pull component items are selected during backflush transactions. You can use the WIP Lot Verification parameter to determines how lots are verified during backflush transactions.

If you backflush lot controlled components and the Lot Selection Method parameter is set to Manual, you must specify a valid lot number. You must also manually specify lot numbers if there is not enough on-hand inventory.

Attention: If the TP:WIP:Shop Floor Material Processing or the TP:WIP:Completion Material Processing profile option is set to process transactions in the background, transactions for lot-controlled components that require manual entry of lot numbers fail. See: Work in Process Profile Options.

Serial Number Controlled Components

You must always manually enter serial numbers when backflushing components under serial number control or under both lot and serial number control.

See Also

Backflush Transactions

Backflush Default Parameters

Backflush Supply Subinventories and Locators

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