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Reusable Record Layout Details

EDI Flexfield 1 (A1) Record Layout

Pos. Control Level Flexfields Length
01 Common key + Record Type 100
02 Any Flexfield Context 30
03 Any Flexfield 1 80
04 Any Flexfield 2 80
05 Any Flexfield 3 80
06 Any Flexfield 4 80

EDI Flexfield (A2) Record Layout

Pos. Control Level Flexfields Length
01 Common key + Record Type 100
02 Any Flexfield 1 80
03 Any Flexfield 2 80
04 Any Flexfield 3 80
05 Any Flexfield 4 80
06 Any Flexfield 5 80

EDI Flexfield (A3) Record Layout

Pos. Control Level Flexfields Length
01 Common key + Record Type 100
02 Any Flexfield Context 30
03 Any Flexfield 1 100
04 Any Flexfield 2 100
05 Any Flexfield 3 100

EDI Flexfield (A4) Record Layout

Pos. Control Level Flexfields Length
01 Common key + Record Type 100
02 Any Flexfield 1 100
03 Any Flexfield 2 100
04 Any Flexfield 3 100
05 Any Flexfield 4 100

EDI Flexfield (A5) Record Layout

Pos. Flexfields Length
01 Common Key + Record Type 100
02 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield Context 30
03 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 1-Internal 70
04 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 1-External
(AC-Special Services_code)
05 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 2-Internal 70
06 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 2-External
07 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 3-Internal
08 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 3-External 25
09 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 4-Internal
10 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 4-External 25

EDI Flexfield (A6) Record Layout

The following table has a similar layout to A5 for flexfields 5-8, 9-12, and 13-15:

Pos. Flexfields Length
01 Common Key + Record Type 100
02 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 5-Internal
03 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 5-External 25
04 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 6-Internal 70
05 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 6-External 25
06 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 7-Internal 70
07 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 7-External 25
08 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 8-Internal 70
09 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 8-External 25

Address (AD) Record Layout

All name and address records that have explicit state/province and county data have the following format. There may be cases where the interface process does not populate some of the data fields depending on data availability.

Pos. Business Entity Data Length ASC X12
01 Record Type + Common Key 100  
02 Business Entity Site Code (internal) 20 Internal
03 Business Entity Site Code (external) 20 N104
04 Business Entity Name 60 N102
05 Business Entity Address Line 1 35 N301
06 Business Entity Address Line 2 35 N302
07 Business Entity Address Line 3 35 N301
08 Business Entity Address Line 4 35 N302
09 Business Entity City 30 N401
10 Business Entity Postal Code 15 N403
11 Business Entity Country (Internal) 20  
12 Business Entity Country (ISO) (external) 03 N404
13 Business Entity State (internal) 20  
14 Business Entity State (External) 10 N402
15 Business Entity Province (internal) 20  
16 Business Entity Province (External) 10 N402
17 Business Entity County 25  

Address (AX) Record Layout

All name and address records which have REGION 1, REGION2, and REGION3 in place of explicit state / province and county data have the following format. This data is extracted from Human Resources tables as needed. There may be cases where the interface process does not populate some of the data fields depending on data availability.

Pos. Business Entity Data Length ASC X12
01 Record Type + Common Key 100  
02 Business Entity Site Code (Internal) 20 Internal
03 Business Entity Site Code (External) 20 N104
04 Business Entity Name 60 N102
05 Business Entity Address Line 1 35 N301
06 Business Entity Address Line 2 35 N302
07 Business Entity Address Line 3 35 N301
08 Business Entity City 30 N401
09 Business Entity Postal Code 15 N403
10 Business Entity Country (Internal) 20  
11 Business Entity Country (ISO) (External) 03 N404
12 Business Entity REGION 1 (Internal) 25  
13 Business Entity REGION 1 (External) 10 N402
14 Business Entity REGION 2 (Internal) 25  
15 Business Entity REGION 2 (External) 10 N402
16 Business Entity REGION 3 (Internal) 25  
17 Business Entity REGION 3 (External) 10  

Contact (CN) Record Layout-FORMAT1

You may add secondary contact data to this record.

Pos. Business Entity Contact Data Length ASC X12
01 Record Type + Common Key 100  
02 Business Entity Primary Contact
Last Name
35 PER02
03 Business Entity Primary Contact
First Name
04 Business Entity primary Contact
Job Title
40 PER09
05 Business Entity Primary Area Code 1 10 PER04
06 Business Entity Primary Telephone 1 60 PER04
07 Business Entity Primary Area Code 2 10 PER04
08 Business Entity Primary Telephone 2 60 PER04
09 Business Entity Primary Area Code 3 10 PER04
10 Business Entity Primary Telephone 3 60 PER04

Contact (CM) Record Layout-FORMAT2

These records can store phone numbers when contact personnel data is not available. Area Codes are not stored separately in the application.

Pos. Business Entity Contact Data Length ASC X12
01 Record Type + Common Key 100  
02 Business Entity Primary Telephone 1 60 PER04
03 Business Entity Primary Telephone 2 60 PER04
04 Business Entity Primary Telephone 3 60 PER04

See Also

Overview of Data File Structure

Control Record Layout

Record Key (1-100)

Record Layout Codes Summary

Provide Additional Values

Extensible EDI Gateway Architecture

Changing the Data File

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