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Control Record Layout

Record 0010 is the common control record to be used by both the EDI Gateway and the EDI translator for trading partner identification and processing rules. It includes information identifying the transaction type, transaction date and time, trading partner code, EDI document being transmitted, and whether it is a test or production transaction. This record is 600 characters long. The common control record layout is illustrated in the following table:

Seq. Data Element Length Position Sample Inbound Transaction Sample Outbound Transaction
01 Trading Partner Code (short) 25 1-25 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
02 Key 1: (may be truncated) 22 26-47 1234567890123456789012 64564522
03 Key 2: 22 48-69  
04 Key 3: 22 70-91  
05 Record Number 4 92-95 0010 0010
06 Record Layout 2 96-97 CT CT
07 Record Qualifier 3 98-100 CTL CTL
08 Communication Method 2 101-102 ED ED
09 Test Flag 1 103 P T
10 Document ID 6 104-109 POI POO
11 Document Type 5 110-114 STAND BLANK
12 Document Purpose Code 2 115-116 OR CH
13 Document Code (full) 35 117-151 1234567890123456789012345 64564522
14 Trading Partner Translator Code (full) 35 152-181 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
15 TP Location Code External 30 182-216 AC7654 AC9832
16 Trading Partner Description 76 217-292 ACME CORP ACME INC
17 TP Reference 1 80 293-372 1234
18 TP Reference 2 80 373-452 9875
19 Transaction Date/Time 15 453-467 19970616 230723 19970626
20 Transmission Run ID 15 468-482 534342
21 Control Number 1 (external) 10 483-492 654
22 Control Number 2 (external) 10 493-502 897
23 Control Number 3 (external) 10 503-512 3423

Control Record (Record 0010)

The following table details the control record:

Seq. Data Element Length Position Value Note
01 Trading Partner Code (short) 25 1-25 First 25 characters of the Trading Partner Code This is the trading partner identified for this transaction as defined by the EDI translator. This code is the result of the location code conversion of the Primary location code in the Translator Code in the Trading Partner Detail region in the Trading Partner form.
02 Key 1: (short) 22 26-47 First 20 characters of Document Code. Do not use in the EDI Translator data map, since it may be truncated.
03 Key 2: 22 48-69   (blank)
04 Key 3: 22 70-91   (blank)
05 Record Number 4 92-95 0010 Fixed value 0010.
06 Record Layout 2 96-97 CT Fixed value CT.
07 Record Qualifier 3 98-100 CTL Fixed value CTL.
08 Communication Method 2 101-102 E (EDI) This code indicated if this transaction is to be faxed or sent via the EDI standard process.
09 Test Flag 1 103 T (test)
P (production)
This code is the flag to indicate that the transaction is to be treated as test (T) or production (P) by the EDI translator. This code must remain synchronized with the Test flag defined in the EDI Translator. Which code overrides the other if they are out of sync depends on the EDI translator. For inbound transactions, the EDI Trading Partner detail flag prevails.
10 Document ID 6 104-109 POI = PO Inbound
ASNO=ASN Outbound
This code identifies the transaction type and its direction, e.g., POI for purchase orders inbound.
11 Document Type 5 110-114 BLANKET, STANDARD This code identifies sub types of the transactions, such as blanket order or standard orders to process.
12 Document Purpose Code 2 115-116 OR (original),
CH (change)
This code identifies the transaction as the original, change, replacement or other appropriate status for the given transaction.
13 Document Code (full) 35 117-151 This is the primary transaction code such as the purchase order or invoice number. The code is the key document identified for the specific transaction.
14 Trading Partner Code (full) 30 152-181 This is the full length Trading Partner code defined in the EDI Translator to identify this Trading Partner.
15 TP Location Code External 35 182-216   This code is the Trading Partner location code as defined by the trading partner for the given transaction.
This is usually found in the ASC X12 N104 ID code or the EDIFACT NAD segment. This code is maintained in the Oracle application for this transaction.
16 Trading Partner Description 71 217-292   This is the trading partner description as defined in the EDI Gateway for outbound transactions or the EDI Translator for inbound transactions.
17 TP Reference 1 80 293-372   This is the trading partner reference 1 code defined in the EDI Gateway for the primary trading partner location for outbound transactions.
18 TP Reference 2 80 373-452   This is the trading partner reference 2 code defined in the EDI Gateway for the primary trading partner location for outbound transactions.
19 Transaction Date/Time 15 453-467   This is the date and time that the transaction is created by the EDI Gateway or the EDI Translator.
20 Transmission Run ID 15 468-482   Run ID from the Concurrent Manager which created the transaction.
21 Control Number 1 (external) 10 483-492 from inbound
This is the batch control number from the outer most electronic envelope for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 ISA or EDIFACT UNB control number.
22 Control Number 2 (external) 10 493-502 from inbound
This is the batch control number from the inner electronic envelope for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 GS or EDIFACT UNG control number.
23 Control Number 3 (external) 10 503-512 from inbound transaction
This is the batch control number from the starting transactions segment for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 ST or EDIFACT UNH control number.

Data File Structure

Each record is referenced by a record number which identifies the level and block of data in the data file. The numbering scheme for each level is in increments of 1000.

Record Number Content
0010 Control Record
0020-0050 EDI Gateway Flexfields
1000-1999 Application Header Level
2000-2999 Application Detail Level
3000-3999 Application Next Detail Level
4000-4999 Application Next Detail Level
et cetera  

The exact record number blocks varies by transaction due to variations in the data required. However, the hierarchy remains the same. Large transactions may have any level span over several blocks of 1000. For example, the header level may span from 1000 to 3999, and the item level may span from 4000 to 5999.

Sample File Structure

The following table from the outbound invoice transaction illustrates the record number range and levels of data on each record.

Seq. Data Type Data Level Record (Position 92-95)
1 Control Record CONTROL 0010
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TRADING PARTNER 0020-0050
4 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TRADING PARTNER 0060-0070
6 Bill To Address /code INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1000
7 Bill to Misc. data, contacts INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1010
8 Bill to Customer Flexfields INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1020-1050
9 Bill to Site Flexfields INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1060-1090
10 Ship to Address/code INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1100
11 Ship to Misc. data, contacts INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1110
12 Sold to Address/code INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1200
13 Sold to Misc. data, Contact INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1210
14 Remit to address/code INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1300
15 Ship From Codes INVOICE HEADER (LOCATION) 1400
16 Basic Invoice Header Data INVOICE HEADER 2000
17 Invoice Amount Data INVOICE HEADER 2010
18 Invoice Misc. Data INVOICE HEADER 2020
19 Shipment Data INVOICE HEADER 2030
20 Currency Data, Misc. data INVOICE HEADER 2040
21 Payment Terms Data INVOICE HEADER 2050
22 Sales Representative, Comments INVOICE HEADER 2060
23 Invoice Header Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 3000-3030
24 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 3040-3070
25 Header Allowance/Charges INVOICE HEADER 3080-3090
26 Extension Tables: Invoice Header Data (custom) INVOICE HEADER 3900
27 Basic Item Data ITEM 4000
28 Sales Order Data ITEM 4010
29 Part Descriptions, Sales Channel, Order Status ITEM 4020
30 Transaction Reference Key ITEM 4030
31 Interface Line Flexfields ITEM 5000-5030
32 Line Flexfields ITEM 5040-5070
33 Line Part Flexfields ITEM 5100-5130
34 Extension Tables: Item Data (custom) ITEM 5900
35 Line Tax Data ITEM DETAIL 6000-6010
36 Line Tax Flexfields ITEM DETAIL 6020-6060
37 Detail Allowance/Charges ITEM DETAIL 7000-7010
38 Extension Tables: Transaction Line Detail Data ITEM DETAIL 7900

See Also

Control Record Layout

Required Inbound Control Record

Record Key (1-100)

Record Layout Codes Summary

Reusable Record Layout Details

Provide Additional Values

Extensible EDI Gateway Architecture

Changing the Data File

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