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Outbound Planning Schedule Data File Organization

The data file produced by this transaction consists of three levels of data: schedule header, schedule line, and schedule line details.

Each planning schedule contains one schedule header record that applies to the entire schedule. The schedule header is followed by one or more schedule lines, each representing an item. Each schedule line is followed by one or more line details representing requirements, authorizations, and the item's last and cumulative receipts.

The ship to location is at the schedule line level. All schedule quantities are discrete quantities, not cumulative quantities. The CUM enabling flag addresses only the receipt data to be provided as a CUM receipt quantity. The CUM enabling flag does not impact the schedule requirements.

The line details section includes the following:

Requirements Up to 60 occurrences per the user-defined bucket and planning horizon for the schedule.
Prior Authorization One occurrence if authorizations are enabled at the Approved Suppliers list.
Authorizations One occurrence for each authorization type if authorizations are enabled at the Approved Supplier list. Authorizations cover raw material, labor, labor & material or finished goods.
Last Receipt One occurrence identifying the quantity, date and shipment number of the last receipt for the item.
Cumulative Receipt One occurrence identifying the cumulative receipt quantity for the item if CUM accounting is enabled.
The output file is structured as follows:

See: Running the EDI Outbound Planning and Shipping Schedules Extract Program.

General Information

The supplier scheduling transactions support the following transactions and their counterparts in any other standard:

The outbound planning and shipping schedule data file definition describes the position, field name, field size, and format of each record in the data file.

Details for the ASC X12 transactions are documented below.

The shipping schedule transaction does not include the last shipment receipt records 2040 and the 4000 with Detail Descriptor set to RECEIPT or authorizations with Detail Descriptor set to AUTHORIZATION. Otherwise, the interface files are identical.

Discrete (actual) requirement quantities are indicated in the buckets in the application, i.e., in a weekly bucket, the quantity required for that week only.

The EDI Translator needs to build cumulative required quantities using the cum received quantity if the trading partner wants a cumulative schedule.

Ship to Location

The Ship to location may be found in the header level of the transaction (records 1030-1060) if the single location applies to the entire transaction. Alternately, the Ship to location may be found at the detail level (records 2050-2060) for a given item. In each case, the Ship To Org Enable CUM Flag indicates that the site is using CUM quantities, and that the Ship To Org CUM Period Start Date should be used whenever a start date is needed in the detail.

ASC X12 Specifics

Supplier Scheduling supports the following data on the Beginning Segment for Planning Schedule (BRF) segment in the 830 transaction. The following values should be used in the EDI data mapping to the ASC X12 transaction.

ASC X12 Data Element ASC X12 Position and Values Data
Transaction Purpose BRF01 = 05 Replacement Schedules Only
Schedule Type Qualifier BRF04 = DL Delivery Based Schedules
Schedule Quantity Qualifier BRF05 = `A' Actual Discrete Quantity Only

Last Receipt Data (Record 2040) - Item Level

The application shipment data is copied to the Item level (record 2040) from the shipment level (record 4000) since the last shipment data applies to the item. The data is copied from two Forecast/Planned Detail (4000) records with Detail Category set to RECEIPT.

This data is mapped to the ASC X12 Shipped (SHP) and Reference (REF) segments.

      Record 4000 Source
Pos. Interface Record Receipt Detail Category/ Descriptor Data Element
    (Map to ASC X12 `SHP' segment)    
  Common Key      
Record Number 2040    
Record Layout LS    
Record Layout Qualifier LS1    
10 Last Receipt Shipment Identification AUTHORIZATION <Shipment Number> RECEIPT/LAST 100 Document Type
20 Last Receipt Date PRIOR <Last Transaction Date> RECEIPT/LAST 50 Starting Date
30 Last Receipt Quantity <Last Quantity Received> RECEIPT/LAST 90 Total Quantity
40 CUM Quantity after last Receipt <Starting CUM Quantity> RECEIPT/CUMULATIVE 90 Total Quantity

through illustrate where data in Table 1 - 61 is mapped in SHP and REF segments. Two occurrences of SHP segments are required: one to specify last discrete quantity received or shipped, and one to specify cumulative quantity received or shipped since last cum reset.

SHP Segment Data Element Position Content Record 2040 Source
Quantity Qualifier 673 SHP01= 01 Standard for discrete quantity
Quantity 380 SHP02= <Last Shipment Quantity> 30 Last Receipt Quantity
Date/Time Qualifier 374 SHP03= 050 or
Standard for Received or
Standard for Shipped
Date 373 SHP04= <Last Receipt Date> 20 Last Receipt Date
Time 337 SHP05= n/a  
Date 373 SHP06= n/a
Time 337 SHP07= n/a  

SHP Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 2040 Source
Quantity Qualifier 673 SHP01= 02 40 Standard for Cumulative quantity
Quantity 380 SHP02=    
Date/Time Qualifier 374 SHP03= 051 Standard for Cumulative quantity Start
Date 373 SHP04=    
Time 337 SHP05= n/a  
Date 373 SHP06= n/a  
Time 337 SHP07= n/a  

REF Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 2040 Source
Reference Qualifier   REF01= SI Standard for Shipment Identifier
Reference Identification   REF02= <shipment number> 10 Last Receipt Shipment Number

Forecast/Planned Details (Record 4000)

Record 4000 in the Supplier Scheduling interface file contains data from several sources. This causes the data to be mapped to one of the following segments in ASC X12:

The Detail Category and the Detail Descriptor in the record indicate the content of specific data. The combination of these two fields and their record content are summarized in .

The dates on the Forecast Schedule (FST) segment represent the starting date for the bucketed period only. Ending date is applicable only for Detail Descriptor BUFFER in the Record 4000.

A given transaction may technically have a mixture of planning schedules with discrete and cumulative based quantities if the supplier scheduling process does not prohibit it across all the items within a single transaction.

The quantities and start/end dates on record 4000 data for a given Detail Category and Detail Descriptor varies depending upon if the SHIP_TO_ORG_ ENABLE_CUM_FLAG is enabled. See the Record 4000 Detail tables below for their content.

Last Receipt Data (Record 4000) - Shipment Level

Last shipment data and cumulative receipt data are found in a Record 4000 (detail level) with Detail Category RECEIPT and Descriptor LAST and CUMULATIVE, respectively. The data was combined at the item level into Record 2040 (item level). Either may be used for data mapping in the EDI Translator; however, the data is appropriate at the item level and more likely to be mapped from that level.

and summarize the type of data found on record 4000:

  Record 4000 Detail Category (position 20) Record 4000 Detail Descriptor (position 30) Associated ASC X12 Segment Record Content
A RECEIPT LAST SHP Last Receipt data (data also on record 2040)
B RECEIPT CUMULATIVE SHP CUM total attained upon last received shipment.
(Data also on record 2040)
Create this SHP record only if the ship to location is doing CUM management (CUM Flag is enabled).
D AUTHORIZATION FI ATH Authorization data for finished Inventory
AUTHORIZATION LB ATH Authorization data for labor only
AUTHORIZATION LM ATH Authorization data for labor and material
AUTHORIZATION MT ATH Authorization data for material only
E REQUIREMENT PAST_DUE FST Planned or firm requirements for Past due (immediate use) quantities
REQUIREMENT DAY FST Planned or firm requirements in daily quantities
REQUIREMENT BUFFER FST Planned or firm requirements for flexible intervals quantities
REQUIREMENT WEEK FST Planned or firm requirements for weekly quantities
REQUIREMENT MONTH FST Planned or firm requirements for monthly quantities
REQUIREMENT QUARTER FST Planned or firm requirements for quarterly quantities

Key data elements for the ASC X12 segment given Detail Category and Detail Descriptor indicated.

  Record 4000 Detail Category (position 20) Record 4000 Detail Descriptor (position 30) Key ASC X12 Data Element Note
A RECEIPT LAST SHP01= 01 (Discrete Qty) Also written to Record 2040
  SHP03= 050 (Received)
B RECEIPT CUMULATIVE SHP02=02 (Cum Qty) Create SHP segment only if SHIP_TO_ORG_ENABLE_CUM_FLAG is enabled.
  SHP03=051 (Cum Qty Start) Also written to Record 2040
C AUTHORIZATION PRIOR ATH01=PQ (Cum Requirement Prior to First Schedule Period)
D AUTHORIZATION FI ATH01=FI (Finished Inventory)  
AUTHORIZATION LM ATH01= LM (labor, material)  
REQUIREMENT (all values except PAST_DUE) FST02 =C (Firm) If Release Quantity > 0
  REQUIREMENT (all values except PAST_DUE) FST02 =D (Planning) If Forecast Quantity > 0
REQUIREMENT BUFFER FST03=F (Flexible Interval)  
REQUIREMENT WEEK FST03=W (Weekly Bucket)  
REQUIREMENT MONTH FST03=M (Monthly Bucket)  

through illustrate the details of record 4000 for each pair of values of the Detail Category and Detail Descriptor, followed by the placement of data on the ASC X12 transaction.

A. Receipt / Last

Last shipment received:

Position Interface Record Last Shipment
    (Map to ASC X12 `SHP' segment)
  Common Key  
Record Number 4000
Record Layout SC
Record Layout Qualifier SCH
10 Schedule Item Detail Sequence <a counter>
30 Detail Descriptor PRIOR LAST
40 Detail Descriptor (external)  
50 Starting Date <Last Shipment Date>
60 Ending Date n/a
70 Forecast Quantity n/a
80 Release Quantity n/a
90 Total Quantity <Actual Last Shipped Quantity or zero>
100 Document Type SHIPMENT
110 Document Number <Shipment Number>

This data is also found on the Record 2040 at the schedule level.

SHP Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000
Quantity Qualifier 673 SHP01= 01 Standard for Discrete Quantity
Quantity 380 SHP02= <Last Shipment Qty> 90 Total Quantity
Date/Time Qualifier 374 SHP03= 050 Standard for Received
Date 373 SHP04= <Last Shipment Date> 50 Starting Date
Time 337 SHP05= n/a  
Date 373 SHP06= n/a  
Time 337 SHP07= n/a  

B. Receipt / Cumulative

CUM quantities after the last shipment was received:

Pos. Interface Record Cumulative Receipt
    (Map to ASC X12 `SHP' segment)
  Common Key  
Record Number 4000
Record Layout SC
Record Layout Qualifier SCH
10 Schedule Item Detail Sequence <a counter>
30 Detail Descriptor PRIOR CUMULATIVE
40 Detail Descriptor (external)  
50 Starting Date <Cum Period Start Date>
Ship To Org CUM Period Start Date
60 Ending Date <Schedule Horizon Start Date>
(Forecast Horizon Start Date)
70 Forecast Quantity n/a
80 Release Quantity n/a
90 Total Quantity Cumulative Receipt Quantity as of schedule Horizon Start Date
100 Document Type n/a
110 Document Number n/a

This data is also moved to the Record 2040 at the item level.

SHP Shipped Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000
Quantity Qualifier 673 SHP01= 02 Standard for Cum Quantity
Quantity 380 SHP02= <CUM Receipt Qty as of schedule Horizon Start Date> 90 Total Quantity
Date/Time Qualifier 374 SHP03= 051 Standard for Cum Quantity
Date 373 SHP04= <Ship to Org CUM Period Start Date> 50 Starting Date
Time 337 SHP05= n/a  
Date 373 SHP06= <Forecast Horizon Start Date> * 60 Ending Date
Time 337 SHP07= n/a  

C. Authorization / Prior

Authorizations for quantities prior to first schedule period:

File Pos. Interface Record CUM Management Enabled CUM Management Not Enabled
      This record does not exist if CUM Management is Not Enabled.
  Common Key    
Record Number 4000  
Record Layout SC  
Record Layout Qualifier SCH  
10 Schedule Item Detail Sequence <a counter>  
20 Detail Category AUTHORIZATION  
30 Detail Descriptor PRIOR  
40 Detail Descriptor (external)    
50 Starting Date <Cum Period Start Date> *  
60 Ending Date <Schedule Horizon Start Date>  
70 Forecast Quantity n/a  
80 Release Quantity n/a  
90 Total Quantity <Starting Authorization Quantity
(sum of past due and CUM received)>
100 Document Type n/a  
110 Document Number n/a  

ATH Authorization Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000 Source
Resource Authorization Code 672 ATH01= PQ
Standard (CUM qty required Prior to first Schedule Period) (based on 30 Detail Descriptor is 'PRIOR')
Date (through Date) 373 ATH02= <Schedule Horizon Start Date> 60 Ending Date
(Current Cum Requirement Qty)
380 ATH03= <Starting Authorization Quantity> 90 Total Quantity
Quantity 380 ATH04= n/a n/a
Date (Cumulative Start Date) 373 ATH05= <CUM Period Start Date> 50 Starting Date

3. Authorization / FI, LB, LM, MT

Authorizations for finished inventory, labor, and / or material:

File Pos. Interface Record CUM Management Not Enabled
  Common Key  
Record Number 4000
Record Layout SC
Record Layout Qualifier SCH
10 Schedule Item Detail Sequence <a counter>
20 Detail Category AUTHORIZATION
30 Detail Descriptor FI or LB or LM or MT
40 Detail Descriptor (external)  
50 Starting Date <Schedule Horizon Start Date>
60 Ending Date <Authorization Cut Off Date>
70 Forecast Quantity n/a
80 Release Quantity n/a
90 Total Quantity <Cumulative Authorized Quantity for Schedule>
100 Document Type n/a
110 Document Number n/a

ATH Authorization Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000 Source
Resource Authorization Code* 672 ATH01= FI (Finished Inventory),
LB (Labor),
LM (Labor & Material),
MT (Material
Standard (based on 30 Detail Descriptor)
(through Date)
373 ATH02= If CUM or NOT CUM,
<Authorization Cut Off Date>
60 Ending Date
(Current Cum Requirement Qty)
380 ATH03= If CUM,
<CUM Authorized Qty for CUM period>
<Cumulative Authorized Qty for Schedule>
90 Total Quantity
Quantity 380 ATH04= (blank) n/a
Date (Cumulative Start Date) 373 ATH05= If CUM, <CUM Period Start Date>
If NOT CUM, <Schedule Horizon Start Date>
50 Starting Date


Planned and Firm forecast quantities:

Pos. Interface Record    
  Common Key    
Record Number 4000  
Record Layout SC  
Record Layout Qualifier SCH  
10 Schedule Item Detail Sequence <a counter>  
20 Detail Category REQUIREMENT  
40 Detail Descriptor (external) A (Immediate (PAST_DUE))
F (Flexible Interval (BUFFER))
D (Day), W (Week), M (Month), Q (Quarter)
50 Starting Date <Requirement Start Date>
60 Ending Date <Requirement End Date Only if Detail Descriptor is BUFFER
70 Forecast Quantity <Discrete Quantity>  
80 Release Quantity <Discrete Release Quantity>  
90 Total Quantity <Cumulative Authorized Quantity for Schedule> (Sum of 70 Forecast Quantity and 80 Release Quantity Not mapped to the standard
100 Document Type n/a  
110 Document Number n/a  

Firm Forecast Data

FST Forecast Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000
Quantity 380 FST01= <Release Quantity> 80 Release Quantity
Forecast Qualifier 680 FST02= C (Firm) if Release Quantity > 0
Forecast Timing Qualifier 681 FST03= A (Immediate (PAST_DUE))
F (Flexible Interval (BUFFER))
D (Day), W (Week), M (Month), Q (Quarter)
40 Detail Descriptor (external)
Date (Start) 373 FST04= <Starting Date> 50 Starting Date
Date (End) (ONLY IF BUFFER) 373 FST05= <Ending Date> 60 Ending Date
Date/Time Qualifier 374 FST06= 002 Standard for Delivery Requested
Time 337 FST07= n/a  
Reference Number Qualifier 128 FST08= n/a  
Reference Number 127 FST09= n/a  

Planned Forecast Data

FST Forecast Segment Data Element Position ASC X12 Value Record 4000 Source
Quantity 380 FST01= <Forecast Quantity> 70 Forecast Quantity
Forecast Qualifier 680 FST02= D (Planned) if Forecast Quantity > 0
Forecast Timing Qualifier 681 FST03= A (Immediate (PAST_DUE))
F (Flexible Interval (BUFFER))
D (Day), W (Week), M (Month), Q (Quarter)
40 Detail Descriptor (external)
Date (Start) 373 FST04= <Starting Date> 50 Starting Date
Date (End) (ONLY IF BUFFER) 373 FST05= <Ending Date> 60 Ending Date
Date/Time Qualifier 374 FST06= 002 Standard for Delivery Requested
Time 337 FST07= n/a  
Reference Number Qualifier 128 FST08= n/a  
Reference Number 127 FST09= n/a  

See Also

Running the EDI Outbound Planning and Shipping Schedules Extract Program

Outbound Planning Schedule and Shipping Schedule Summary Tables

Outbound Planning Schedule and Shipping Schedule Data File Definition

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