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Engineering Change Order Detail Report

This report contains current or historical engineering change order (ECO) information. You can sort the report by engineering change notice or creation date. You can report all changes, current pending changes, or historical changes. You can run the report for all engineering change notices or for a range.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Engineering Change Order Detail Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Engineering Change Orders From/To

To restrict the report to a range of engineering change orders, select the beginning and ending engineering change orders.

Dates From/To

To restrict the report to a range of dates, select the beginning and ending dates.


Enter Open, Hold, Scheduled, Cancelled, Implemented, or Released to indicate the status of the ECO to print. See: ECO Statuses.

Additional Component Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print ECO component detail.

Order Entry Component Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print ECO order entry component detail.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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