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Set of Books Standard Options

Each set of books has a number of flags that indicate the accounting practices you want to follow for that set of books.

Allow Suspense Posting: Allows users to post out-of-balance journal entries (debits do not equal credits), and automatically balance those journal entries by posting the offset against a suspense account. If you enable this option, you must enter a suspense account for the set of books.

If you do not allow suspense posting, you can only post journal entries that balance.

Balance Intercompany Journals: Allows users to post out-of-balance intercompany journal entries (debits do not equal credits for a particular company or balancing entity), and automatically balance intercompany journals against an intercompany account you specify. If you enable this option, you must enter an intercompany account for the set of books.

If you do not choose to balance intercompany journals, you can only post intercompany journals that balance by balancing segment (usually the company segment).

Enable Average Balances: Allows you to use the set of books for average balance processing. Once average balance processing is enabled, General Ledger automatically stores the aggregate balances that are used to calculate average and end-of-day balances.

Enable Journal Approval: Allows you to use General Ledger's Journal Approval feature in your set of books. When Journal Approval is enabled and a journal entry's journal source requires approval, the journal must be approved by the appropriate level of management before any further action can be taken. If Journal Approval is not enabled, approval is not required, even if the journal source requires approval.

Note: When you mark the Enable Journal Approval check box, General Ledger will ask whether you want to require journal approval for the Manual journal source. Choose Yes or No. Note that this option applies only to manual journals with actual amounts. To require journal approval for budget or encumbrance journals, you must set the appropriate journal source to require journal approval.

Enable Journal Entry Tax: Allows you to manually enter taxable journal entries in General Ledger. When you enable this feature for a set of books, the system will automatically calculate associated tax amounts and generate tax journal lines.

See Also

Set of Books Accounts

Defining Suspense Accounts

Defining Intercompany Accounts

Set of Books Average Balance Options

Overview of Average Balance Processing

Journal Approval Overview

Automatic Tax on Journal Entries

Defining Sets of Books

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