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Budget Journals by Flexfield Report

Review the status and details of your budget journals for a particular account, currency, and fiscal year.

This report prints the status, period, batch name, journal entry name, journal entry line number, description, entered debit or credit amount, and statistical amount for each account you request.


When you request this report, General Ledger prompts you to enter the following:

Budget: Choose a budget defined for your set of books.

Accounting Flexfield: Enter the account on which you want to report.

Currency Code: Choose the functional currency for your set of books, a foreign currency, or STAT. If you choose a foreign currency, the report shows budget journal amounts entered in that currency.

Year: Choose a fiscal year for which you entered budget journals.

Selected Headings

Refer to the selected heading descriptions below for additional information.

Debits: debit amount of each budget journal line, if any. General Ledger prints a total of all debit amounts for each posting status and for all the posting statuses in your report.

Credits: credit amount of each budget journal line, if any. General Ledger prints a total of all credit amounts for each posting status and for all the posting statuses in your report.

Stat Amount: statistical amount of each budget journal line, if any. General Ledger prints a total of all statistical amounts for each posting status and for all the posting statuses in your report.

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