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Rollup Rules

You can choose one of four rollup rules when specifying segment rules for your consolidation mapping. A rollup rule consists of a Transfer Level value and a Using value, entered in the Segment Rules window. The four rollup rules are shown in the following table:

Resulting Effect
Detail Detail Ranges Maps a range of detail values from your subsidiary set of books into one detail value in your parent set of books.
Note: This rule produces the same result as the Detail Rollup segment rule in earlier versions of General Ledger.
Detail Parent Maps a parent value from your subsidiary set of books into a detail value in your parent set of books.
Note: This rule produces the same result as the Parent Rollup segment rule in earlier versions of General Ledger.
Summary Parent Maps a subsidiary segment parent value into a segment in your parent set of books. This consolidates balances from the summary account associated with the subsidiary segment parent value.
Note: This rollup rule can only be used with the balances consolidation method.
Summary Parent Ranges Maps one or more ranges of subsidiary segment parent values into a segment value in your parent set of books. This consolidates balances from the summary accounts associated with the subsidiary segment parent values.
Note: This rollup rule can only be used with the balances consolidation method.

When specifying a rollup rule, you must enter the Parent Segment Detail Value, Transfer Level, and Using fields. If you select the Detail/Parent or Summary/Parent rules, you must also enter a Subsidiary Segment Parent Value. If you select the Detail/Detail Ranges or Summary/Parent Ranges rules, you must enter Low and High values for the Subsidiary Segment Ranges.

See Also

Using Summary Accounts

Consolidation Run Options

Global Consolidation System

Consolidation Workbench

Transferring Subsidiary Data to Your Parent

Transferring Consolidation Sets

Posting Subsidiary Data

Creating Eliminating Entries

Defining Sets of Books

Notes on Consolidating Average Balances

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