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Document Approvals

Oracle Purchasing has a flexible approval hierarchy for purchasing documents. While approvals are not directly tied to budgetary control or encumbrance accounting, actions you take on a document might have a budgetary control or encumbrance accounting effect. For example, you can take an action to approve and reserve a purchase order (submit a document for approval and funds reservation).

Note: You can only reserve funds for requisitions and purchase orders.

Table 1 - 5 describes actions you can take on a purchasing document and the budgetary control/encumbrance effect the action might have.

Action Budgetary Control Impact
Approve None
Accept None
Cancel Submits cancellation. Cancellation creates negative debit entries for encumbrances rather than encumbrance reversals.
Import None
Forward None
Reject Creates reversals (credit entries) for encumbrances if any distributions of the document have funds reserved or are encumbered.
Return Creates reversals (credit entries) for all encumbrances associated with the document.
Reserve Attempts to reserve funds for the document.
Submit None
Check Funds Checks funds for document only; does not reserve funds for document.
Approve and Reserve Attempts to reserve funds in addition to submitting for approval.

Note: The actions that you can take on a purchasing document are determined by the type of document and the current status of the document.

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