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Item Demand History Report

Use the Item Demand History Report to report results of the most recent compilation of item demand history. You can compile the demand history by using the Compile Demand History form or the Forecast Load form. The item demand history shows you what the item demand is for each period and for each transaction source type. You can use this report to review the sales demand for daily, weekly, or monthly time periods.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item demand history report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item demand histories associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.


Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.


Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Bucket Type

Choose one of the following options:

Days Report the activity date for daily period
Weeks Report the activity dates for weekly time periods
Periods Report the activity dates based on the manufacturing calendar monthly period type for the organization.
If you choose a bucket type which has not been compiled the report shows no data. For example, if the compile has been done for periods and you choose weeks, the resulting report shows no data. If you rerun the report and choose periods the data for the items is printed.

History Start Date

Enter the start date that you want to print the result of the most recent item demand history compile.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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