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Transaction Source Type Summary

Use the Transaction Source Type Summary to report on-hand quantities and transaction sources that produced the quantities or inventory value. For example, you can use the report to view the total quantity of a category of items transacted in the past week, by selecting the category sort and by limiting the category. Enter a date range for the one week interval with a selection option of Quantity.

You can also use the report to monitor an engineering subinventory for the monetary value issued and received to engineering account numbers and other stockrooms, by limiting the subinventory to engineering with a selection option of Value. If you set up source types for asset and expense accounts and a source type for transaction to other subinventories, assign them to column one, two, and three.

You can also use the report to determine how many transactions have been processed for sales orders, by limiting the source type to sales orders and selecting option Frequency.

Attention: You should not use this report to reconcile your inventory transactions or balances to your general ledger. This report displays a transaction value for all transactions including receipts of expense items into asset sub-inventories. These transactions are not part of your inventory balances. In addition, this report does not show valuation charges, such as the average or standard cost update.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction source type summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Subinventory Sort the report by subinventory.
Item Sort the report by inventory item.
Category Sort the report by category.

Selection Option

Choose one of the following options:

Quantity Report on-hand quantities and transaction sources that produced the quantities.
Frequency Report inventory frequency. Reports the volume or how many transactions occurred.
Value Report inventory value. Prints the value of the quantity times the item unit cost at the time of the transaction.

Transaction Dates From

Enter a beginning required date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.


Enter an ending required date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows quantity, value, or frequency associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories. If you do not enter a value in the field, the report prints all of the categories.


Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.


Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Subinventories From

Enter a beginning subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.


Enter an ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Source Type for Column One

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

Source Type for Column Two

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

Source Type for Column Three

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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