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Cancel Backordered Included Items

The Cancel Backordered Included Items program cancels backordered included items. Included items are mandatory standard items assigned to an item on the bill of material (for a model, option class, or kit) that are automatically released for shipment along with the item to which they are assigned.

If the included items are backordered and not demanded or reserved, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping fully cancels all backordered included items for the order and item you specify. If you try to cancel any backordered included items that are reserved or demanded, you receive an error message telling you that you must first unreserve or undemand the included items on the order before cancelling them.

If you have shipped incomplete kits to your customer and you want to cancel the remaining backordered included items, you can use the Cancel Backordered Included Items program. This allows you to invoice in full for the incomplete kits that have shipped. After you cancel the backordered included items, the model line will not show a cancelled quantity in the View Orders window, and the shipped quantity will still only reflect the complete kits that have shipped. However, the line will be allowed to close. Use the View Shipping Lines window to verify which components of the incomplete kits have shipped.

Warning: If you intend to cancel and prevent invoicing for an incomplete kit, do not use this program.


Before using this program to cancel included items, you should:


In the Cancel Backordered Included Items window, enter Cancel Backordered Included Items in the Request Name field.


When you request Cancel Backordered Included Items, Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters.

Order Number

Choose an order number to cancel the backordered included items for that order.

Included Item

Choose a specific included item to cancel on the order.

Cancel Reason

Choose a cancel reason.

See Also

Defining Order Entry/Shipping QuickCodes

Viewing Orders and Returns

Releasing Sales Order for Picking

Overview of Bills of Material

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