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Generating a Diagnostics File

Server Side Logging Options

Define the OERPCDBG environment variable to turn diagnostics on and set the level.

There are many different levels of diagnostics in Oracle Order Entry server side debugging. Each bit value listed below enables logging of specific information. To turn on multiple levels of debugging, use the sum of the bit values.

Bit Value Logging Enabled
1 All fields received from the client are printed to the log.
2 All fields sent to the client are printed to the log.
4 All buffer fields used by PL/SQL statements are printed to the log file before executing the statements.
16 The arguments to the user exits are logged.
32 All messages issued are written to the log file.
64 Logs miscellaneous actions.
4096 Time stamps are written to the log file.

For example, to see all fields received from the client (1) and the arguments to the user exits (16), you would enter the sum of the bit values for those options (17).

Diagnostic File Location

When diagnostics is turned on, the log file name is displayed in a message after the client makes an initial contact with the server*. In most cases, the file name is S<oe_client_session_id>.log* in the $OE_TOP/ $APPLLOG directory. When the oe_client_session_id is added to the file name, the name is truncated to eight characters or padded with zeros if necessary.

Note: Features above marked with an asterisk (*) are not available prior to Release 10SC Production 15. Beta customers can receive a patch to enable this functionality.

For example:

session_id = 123		=>filename is 'S0000123.log'
session_id = 1234567890	=>file name is 'S1234567.log'

Special Cases:

When running the Transaction Manager in the STANDALONE mode, the server environment variable OEDBGFILE can be set to override the standard naming convention. In this case, the log will be written to the file name specified in OEDBGFILE.

If the initial connection between the client and the server fails, the server cannot access the client session ID and cannot rename the log file name. Furthermore, the client is not able to display the log file name as a message. In such cases, Oracle recommends running the Transaction Manager in STANDALONE mode. (See: Standalone Mode.) In the INHERIT mode, the file name is generated randomly and can be found in the $OE_TOP/$APPLLOG directory.

If there is a problem creating the log file, the application attempts to create oedebug.log in the directory where the listener was started.

Client Side Logging Options

Define OERPCDBG environment variable to turn diagnostics on and set the level.

Bit Value Logging Enabled
16 The arguments to the user exits are logged.
32 All messages issued by the Transaction Manager are logged.
64 Logs miscellaneous actions.
128 Perform field validation.
4096 Time stamps are written to the log file.
8192 Database Tracing is enabled for the Order Entry Transaction Manager.

Diagnostic File Location

If the environment variable OERPCDBG is set, the log file name will be C<oe_client_session_id>.log under the $APPLTMP directory. The log file name is truncated to eight characters and padded with zeros if needed.

For example:

session_id = 123		=>filename is 'C0000123.log'
session_id = 1234567890	=>file name is 'C1234567.log'

Special Case:

If there is a problem creating the log file, the application attempts to create oedebug.log in the current working directory.

Methods of Starting Up the Diagnostics

From the Client:

Set the Application System Profile OE: Trans. Manager Debug Level with the sum of the bit values.

From the Server:

When both the server and client have set the values for OERPCDBG, the diagnostics include all levels set on the client side and server side.

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