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Demand Interface

The Demand Interface places demand for shipments in batch mode rather than online. Oracle Manufacturing products use this information for forecasting and planning product and schedule requirements. Demand placed through the Demand Interface is immediately available to all Oracle Manufacturing processes, reports, and windows that display demand. It is not necessary to run the Oracle Inventory Demand Manager to process batch demand.

Profile Options

The following profile option affects the operation of the Demand Interface:

Item Attributes

The following item attributes affect the operation of the Demand Interface:

Batch Demand

The Demand Interface places demand for any eligible order line or order line detail for a transactable item. An order line is eligible for demand when all prerequisite cycle actions have been successfully completed, based on your individual order cycles. You include the Demand Interface action in your order cycles for those types of orders where you generally place demand in batch. If you happened to place demand online for an order line in a cycle with Demand Interface as an action, the Demand Interface will recognize that demand already exists for the order line and automatically set the status to Interfaced.

Changes to Demanded Order Lines

If demand has already been placed by the Demand Interface, but you need to modify the quantity, warehouse, or schedule date, use the Scheduling alternative region on the Sales Orders window. Once your changes are committed, demand is immediately updated to reflect your changes.

Holds Effect on Eligible Order Lines

If you have defined any holds that are not specific to a particular cycle action (which would normally prevent the order from processing through any cycle actions), the Demand Interface still processes the order lines. Only holds that specify the Demand Interface in the Cycle Action field of the Holds window prevent the Demand Interface from processing the records. The Demand Interface ignores all other holds, including those for credit checking.

Available to Promise Checking

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping automatically performs an ATP inquiry (Available to Promise) on an order line for any item where the inventory item attribute or bill of material attribute Check ATP is set to Yes. When the item is ordered as a component in a bill, the bill of material attribute takes precedence. Order Entry/Shipping uses the order line or schedule detail line quantity and schedule date as the requested quantity and date. If the ordered item is a configuration or kit with additional ATP items in the bill structure, these items are also considered in the ATP evaluation. If your ordered item is a model or kit that must be shipped together, then the latest date for all components is considered the ATP date; or, if a group of order lines is in a ship set, the latest date for all lines in the ship set is the ATP date.

If the quantity you ordered is available on the date you requested:

If the quantity you ordered is not available on the date you requested:

Cycle Action Results

The following cycle action results are possible for the Demand Interface:

Exception Handling

Any errors that occur, such as ATP failed, are recorded in the process exceptions table (SO_EXCEPTIONS). Use the Process Exception Report to report all the errors for the Demand Interface.

The Demand Interface program is only applicable for order cycles that include the Demand Interface cycle action.

Suggestion: Use the View Orders window to view orders' and order lines' cycle statuses.


Before using this program to place demand, you should:


In the DEMAND INTERFACE window, enter Demand Interface in the Name field.


The Demand Interface program does not have any parameters.

See Also

Order Cycles


Defining Order Cycles

Defining Holds

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