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Finding Delivery Lines to Add during Departure Planning

The Find Delivery Lines to Add window queries delivery lines that you want to add to a departure or delivery based on the criteria you enter in the Find Delivery Lines to Add window as well as the criteria you have already entered in the Departure and/or Delivery window(s) (prior to opening the Find Delivery Lines to Add window).

   To find delivery lines to add during Departure Planning:

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

Attention: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to find delivery lines based on this field.

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