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Update Shipping Information

The Update Shipping Information program updates orders lines with shipped quantity, sets the ship confirmation status, and backorders unshipped quantities on order lines you have pick released (picking lines).

Shipped Quantities

The Update Shipping Information program evaluates all departures and/or deliveries that have a status of Closed, Pending Update Shipping Information. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping updates the order line associated with the picking lines in the departure or delivery with the accumulated shipped quantity. Until you run this program, the shipped quantities recorded on the Confirm Shipments window are not reflected on any windows or reports that display the order line shipped quantity.


The Update Shipping Information program creates a backordered picking line for any closed picking line with less than the total released quantity confirmed. Any order line or order line detail that is demanded or reserved before Pick Release and backordered during ship confirmation retains the schedule status it had before being released.

Cycle Action Results

The Update Shipping Information program updates the statuses for the Ship Confirm and Backorder Release cycle actions. The possible cycle action results for Ship Confirm are:

Any scheduled order line, demanded or reserved, that is backordered at ship confirmation retains the schedule status it had before Pick Release.

Note: If an item is not a shippable item, then this program automatically sets the order line's cycle status to Not Applicable for Ship Confirm.

Exception Handling

Any errors that occur are recorded in the process exceptions table (SO_EXCEPTIONS). Use the Process Exception Report to report all the errors for the Update Shipping Information program.

The Update Shipping Information program is only applicable for order cycles that include the Ship Confirm cycle action.

Suggestion: Use the View Orders window to view orders' and order lines' cycle statuses.


Before using this program to update shipping information, you should:


In the Shipping Interfaces concurrent requests window, enter Update Shipping Information in the Name field. You can also choose Shipping>Update Shipping to submit this process. If the OE: Immediate Inventory Update profile option is set to Yes, the Update Shipping Information program is automatically run when the pick slip or batch is closed. See Order Entry/Shipping Profile Options


When you request Update Shipping Information, Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters.


Select the departure for which you want to update shipping information.


Select the delivery for which you want to update shipping information.

See Also

Order Cycles: page

Viewing Orders and Returns: page

Overview of Delivery-based Ship Confirm

Releasing Sales Orders For Picking

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