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Summary Amounts After Current Reporting Period Change

When the reporting period changes to P01-03-96, Robinson once again reviews the Project and Resource Status of project PAR01.

The prior period, period-to-date, year-to-date, and inception-to-date actuals and budgets have changed to reflect the new reporting period's actuals and budgets. The commitment amount no longer appears on the status windows because it is closed in an earlier reporting period.

EXHIBIT V: Initial Project Status View After Current Reporting Period Change
Current Period: P01-03-96
Resource List: Labor by Employee and Job, Non-Labor by Expenditure Type
Project PP Cost Budget PP Actual Cost PTD Cost Budget PTD Actual Cost YTD Cost Budget YTD Actual Cost ITD Cost Budget ITD Actual Cost Variance Cmt Amount
PAR01 10,000 6,181 15,300 6,040 31,050 15,416 45,950 28,521 17,429 -

EXHIBIT VI: Initial Resource Status View After Current Reporting Period Change
Current Period: P01-03-96
Resource List: Labor by Employee and Job, Non-Labor by Expenditure Type
Resource PP Cost Budget PP Actual Cost PTD Cost Budget PTD Actual Cost YTD Cost Budget YTD Act. Cost ITD Cost Budget ITD Act. Cost Variance Cmt Amount
Labor 10,000 5,831 12,500 4,373 27,500 13,119 35,000 19,241 15,759 -
Travel - - 1,800 1,668 1,800 1,668 4,200 3,450 750 -
Outside Services - - - - -   5,000 5,200 (200) -
In-house Recoverables - 350 1,000 - 1,750 630 1,750 630 1,120 -

EXHIBIT VII: Initial Resource Status View After Current Reporting Period Change
Current Period: P01-03-96
Resource List: Labor by Employee and Job, Non-Labor by Expenditure Type
Resource PP Cost Budget PP Actual Cost PTD Cost Budget PTD Actual Cost YTD Cost Budget YTD Act. Cost ITD Cost Budget ITD Act. Cost Variance Cmt Amount
Labor 10,000 5,831 12,500 4,373 27,500 13,119 35,000 19,241 15,759 -
Marlin, Amy - - - - - - 7,500 6,122 1,378  
Robinson, James - - 12,500 4,373 12,500 4,373 12,500 4,373 8,127  
Sr. Consultant 10,000 5,831 - - 15,000 8,746 15,000 8,746 6,254  
Travel - - 1,800 1,668 1,800 1,668 4,200 3,450 750 -
Air Travel - - - 1,668 - 1,668 - 3,450 (3,450)  
Outside Services - - - - - - 5,000 5,200 (200) -
Consulting - - - - - - - 5,200 (5,200)  
In-house Recoverables - 350 1,000 - 1,750 630 1,750 630 1,120 -
Computer Services - 350 - - - 630 - 630 (630) -

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