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Example of Date Processing

You can study the examples below to understand how dates are processed in Oracle Projects.

In the examples that follow, we used weekly PA periods and GL periods based on 5-4-4 calendar periods. The PA Periods correspond to expenditure periods, which are weekly and end on a Sunday.

A labor expenditure for $100 dated Monday, February 14, 1997 is charged to the third PA Period in February and is processed the same week. That same item is posted in the February GL Period.

Later, that same expenditure item is re-costed the first week of March due to a retroactive cost rate change. The cost change results in a reversal of the $100 cost distribution line and the creation of a $200 cost distribution line. These adjusting distribution lines are accounted for in March periods.

In the examples below, we show you the detailed effect of the initial expenditure item processing on dates, and of the adjustment processing on dates.

Initial Processing of Expenditure Item

The following figure depicts the initial processing of the $100 expenditure item.

Oracle Projects creates the following cost distribution line.

Adjustment Processing of Expenditure Item

The following figure depicts the adjustment processing of the $100 expenditure item, resulting in the creation of an adjusting item for $200 and a reversing item for -$100, which are accounted for in the same periods.

Oracle Projects creates two adjusting cost distribution lines (lines #2 and #3) as shown below.

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