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Project Funding Inquiry Window Reference

Use this window to view information about project funding. For a given project, you can view the amount invoiced, the amount of net revenue accrued, the revenue write-off balances, as well as other funding information.

You can view summary amounts for funding allocated to a particular project by agreement and top level task, such as baselined amounts, the amount of revenue accrued and invoiced, as well as the customer providing agreement funding.

You can also use this window to view a history of project funding allocation, such as the incremental allocation amounts, and the allocation date.


Funding, Not Baselined: The total funding amount that is not baselined for this project or task.

Funding, Baselined: The total funding amount that is baselined for this project or task.

Total Funding: The total funding allocated to this project or task.


Net Revenue: The net amount of revenue accrued for this project or task, regardless of revenue transfer status.

Revenue Write-Off: The total amount of revenue write-off events.

Invoiced Amount: The total amount invoiced for this project, regardless of invoice transfer status.

Funding Summary by Agreement

Agreement Number: The agreement number from which funds are allocated.

Top Task Number: The task number to which funds are allocated, if you have funded your project at the top level task level.

Funding History Window

Date: The date this funding line was allocated.

By: The person responsible for allocating this funding line.

Amount: The incremental amount of agreement funding allocated by this detail funding line.

Baselined: This check box indicates whether the funding line is baselined.

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