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Components of an Invoice

Certain components of an invoice are determined when you generate a draft invoice. We discuss some of these components below. For more information concerning how project information affects invoices, and information about the components of a released invoice in Oracle Receivables, refer to the sections below.

Components of a Draft Invoice in Oracle Projects
Bill through date The date through which Oracle Projects picks up events and expenditure items to be billed on a particular invoice.
Invoice Comment Defaults from the invoice comment entered for a project. Can also enter unique comment for each invoice in the Invoice window.
Invoice Lines Invoice lines are comprised of groupings of expenditure items (for T&M billing), or can be a single line item (for event billing).
Draft Invoice Number The Oracle Projects draft invoice number; this number indicates the sequential invoice number generated for a particular project.

In addition, there are 'behind-the-scenes' factors that impact invoice generation; you specify these factors when you enter a project. They provide default values or rules when you generate an invoice. The terms in the table below help you to understand how information is derived from your project setup to create an invoice.

Project Information That Affects Your Invoices
Billing Cycle Code The code that indicates when to generate invoices automatically a project; determined from the project. The bill cycle code is used only during mass invoice generation. See: Billing Cycles.
First Bill Offset Days The number of days that elapse between the project start date and the date of the project's first invoice; determined from the project. Bill offset days are used only during mass invoice generation.
Invoice Formats Uses the invoice formats defined for a project (T & M only). See Determining Your Invoice Printing Method
Distribution Rule Determines how bills are generated for a project; determined from the project. (T & M and Events)
Billing Titles The job and employee billing titles printed on an invoice using the effective billing titles.

Certain components of an invoice are determined when you release a draft invoice, interface it to Oracle Receivables, and create an invoice from it in Oracle Receivables. We discuss some of these components below.

Components of a Released Invoice in Oracle Receivables
Bill to address The bill to address specified for this customer on this project.
GL Date The GL Date is determined from the open or future period in which the invoice date falls, based on the period status in Oracle Receivables.
Invoice Date The date that is printed on the invoice and the date on which an invoice receivable's aging begins. You specify the invoice date when you release the invoice.
Invoice Number (AR) The number of an invoice that is printed on an invoice, and the number that can be tracked in Oracle Receivables. This number can be system generated, or a number that you enter which uniquely identifies the invoice in Oracle Receivables, depending on how you implemented your invoice numbering system in Oracle Projects. The invoice number is determined when you release an invoice.
Invoice Transaction Type If you set up invoice processing types during implementation, this is the name of the organization that is the invoice processing organization for the project owning organization. Otherwise, this is the default transaction type of Projects Invoice or Projects Credit Memo based on the PROJECTS INVOICES batch source. You can override the transaction type of an invoice using the transaction type billing extension.
You can also use the AR transaction type extension to determine the AR transaction type when you interface invoices to Oracle Receivables.
An invoice transaction type determines if it is an invoice or a credit memo.
Notes The invoice comment determined from the project comment. You can override this default for each invoice before you interface the invoice to Oracle Receivables.
Payment Terms The payment terms in Oracle Receivable are determined from the agreement that is used to fund an invoice.
Salesperson If you define project managers as salespeople, then this is the project manager of the invoice's project. If you do not define project managers as salespeople, this value is blank. See: Defining Salespersons and Credit Types.
Ship to address The ship to address specified for this customer on this project.

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