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Using a Predefined Parameter

When you define an AutoAccounting rule, you can use a predefined parameter as an input value. Examples of parameters that you can use as context information include the project-managing organization, or the expenditure type of an expenditure item (see for a complete list of AutoAccounting parameters.)

For example, suppose you want to define an AutoAccounting rule that provides a region code based upon the organization that is managing a project. You specify an intermediate value source of Parameter, since the project-managing organization is a predefined parameter; you specify Project Organization as the parameter name.

SQL statements to derive new parameters

AutoAccounting rules with SQL statements are intended to process rules that are dependent on more than one parameter.. They are not intended to derive additional parameters using SQL which accesses application tables.

This type of use may affect processing performance and may not be supported based on the AutoAccounting function. If you determine that you need rules that reference application tables to derive additional values not provided by the AutoAccounting parameters, please contact your Oracle technical support representative before proceeding.

Using a SQL Select Statement in AutoAccounting Rules

You can define rules to read any value by using a SQL select statement. You should consider the performance implications of using SQL statements. Although many companies have implemented AutoAccounting SQL statement rules in a production environment, you should tune your SQL statement and test the AutoAccounting setup against volume data to check their performance quality before implementation.

Examples of AutoAccounting Rules with a SQL statement
The business rule translates to this logic:
If Project Type is 'Overhead' then use Expenditure Organization else use Project Organization
Name Indirect Cost Center
Description Determine the cost center for indirect costs, using Expenditure Organization for Overhead projects and Project Organization for all other indirect projects
Intermediate Value Source SQL Statement
SQL Select Statement select decode(:1, :2, :3, 'Overhead') from sys.dual
Segment Value Source Segment Value Lookup Set
Lookup Set Organization to Cost Center
Rule Parameters  
Sequence Parameter Name
1 Project Type
2 Expenditure Organization
3 Project Organization
In another example, Fremont Corporation wants to base the account segment value on the first descriptive flexfield segment for the expenditure item (PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL.ATTRIBUTE1).
Name Descriptive flexfield segment
Description Populate the AutoAccounting account segment value with the first descriptive flexfield segment value in the expenditure item.
Intermediate Value Source SQL Statement
SQL Select Statement SELECT attribute1
Rule Parameter  
Sequence Parameter Name
1 Expenditure Item ID

The SQL statement in the first example uses the SQL function of decode, which provides if/then logic - it compares values of an expression to determine a resulting value.

The decode statement refers the table sys.dual which always contains only one record.

For more information on the function 'decode', refer the SQL Language Reference Manual. For more information on the table 'dual', refer to the Oracle RDBMS Database Administrator's Guide.

Notation of SQL statement rule

You reference parameters in the SQL Statement with a colon followed by a number; for example as :1. You then map the parameter number in the SQL statement to the appropriate parameter number and parameter in the Rule Parameters for the rule. In the example above, :1 maps to the Project Type parameter which is listed as parameter 1 under Rule Parameters.

You must define rule parameters with SQL statement rules. You must reference each parameter that you use with a different number, even if you are using the same parameter many times in a SQL statement. You can use up to 19 rule parameters per rule. You must reference the rule parameter sequence numbers in numerical order. For example, :3 cannot be referenced before :2.

You must not add a semicolon at the end of the SQL statement.

Selecting a Segment Value Source

After you specify an intermediate value, you specify one of the following segment value sources to indicate whether the intermediate value is already a valid segment value or whether AutoAccounting needs to translate it into a segment value using a lookup set:

Intermediate Value Supply the intermediate value as a segment value; do not use a lookup set
Segment Value Lookup Set Look up the intermediate value in a lookup set; translate the intermediate value into the corresponding segment value
You do not always need to use a lookup set when you write an AutoAccounting rule. If you define a simple constant rule, you probably do not need to use a lookup set to supply a segment value, since you generally supply a valid segment value as the constant.

For example, if you use a constant intermediate value, such as account number 4100, the intermediate value is already a segment value and therefore needs no translation. Or, if the value of a parameter already is a suitable segment value (as might be the case if you use the project number as part of your chart of accounts), you do not need a lookup set to translate it into a segment value.

However, if you use a parameter-based intermediate value such as an organization name, you need to specify the name of a lookup set that maps the names of organizations to the corresponding segment value.

You need to define a lookup set before you can use it in a rule. However, if you prefer to define your rules before completing your lookup sets, you can define each lookup set's name and description, then define the intermediate values and segment values later.

AutoAccounting Rules Window Reference

Use this window to define and maintain AutoAccounting rules. You define AutoAccounting rules to generate account combinations. After you define rules, you assign a set of rules to each AutoAccounting transaction you want to use.

You assign rules to AutoAccounting transactions using the Assign Rules window.

Rule Name. Enter a unique, descriptive name for this AutoAccounting rule.

Intermediate value region

Use this region to define an AutoAccounting rule and its attributes such as whether it is based on a constant value, a predefined parameter, or a SQL select statement. Depending on a rule's intermediate value source, you also use this region to enter its constant value, parameter, or SQL select statement.

Source. Enter the source from which you want to determine an intermediate value for this rule. Oracle Projects provides the following intermediate value sources:

Value. If you specified Constant as this rule's intermediate value source, enter the value you want Oracle Projects to supply as the intermediate value.

If you specified Parameter as this rule's intermediate value source, enter the parameter you want Oracle Projects to supply as the intermediate value.

If you specified SQL Select Statement the SQL Editor appears when you enter this field. Enter the statement you want Oracle Projects to use to retrieve an intermediate value.

Segment Value region

Source. Select the segment value source that you want Oracle Projects to use to derive an Accounting Flexfield segment value from the intermediate value. Oracle Projects provides the following segment value sources:

Lookup Set. Select the lookup set that you want Oracle Projects to use to derive an Accounting Flexfield segment value. If you specified Intermediate Value as this rule's segment value source, Oracle Projects skips this field.

Lookup Sets button. This button navigates to the AutoAccounting Lookup Sets window.

Rule Parameters region

If you specified SQL Select Statement as this rule's intermediate value source, use this zone to define each parameter included in the SQL select statement this AutoAccounting rule uses.

If you specified either Constant or Parameter as this rule's intermediate value source, Oracle Projects skips this region.

Sequence. Enter the numeric value that corresponds to a parameter in the SQL select statement this AutoAccounting rule uses.

Parameter Name. Select the parameter that corresponds to the sequence number you entered in the previous field. You can choose any AutoAccounting parameter.

See Also

Defining AutoAccounting Rules

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