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Project Approval Subprocess

The Project Approval Subprocess is called by the default PA Project Workflow process. In the workflow diagram shown below, the process activity nodes are numbered for reference in the descriptions that follow.

Following is a description of each activity in the default Project Approval Subprocess.

Start (Node 1)

This is a standard activity that marks the start of the process.

Notify: Project Approval Required (Node 2)

This activity notifies the project approver that approval is required for the project status change.

Notify: Reminder, Project Approval Required (Node 3)

This activity sends a reminder notification to the project approver.

Loop Counter (Node 4)

This activity counts the number of times the subprocess has branched to this node.

The loop counter defaults to a limit of 1. (You can change the default value of the loop counter.)

After the activity reaches the Loop Limit, the process sends one more reminder. If there is no response, the loop counter stops counting and branches to node 6.

End (Approved) (Node 5)

This activity ends the subprocess and returns the result Approved.

End (Rejected) (Node 6)

This activity ends the subprocess and returns the result Rejected.

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