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Default Budget Workflow Activities

Following is a description of each activity in the default budget workflow process, listed by function name.

Start (Node 1)

This is a standard activity that marks the start of the process.

Select Budget Approver (Node 2)

This activity selects the approver for the budget by calling the client extension procedure pa_client_extn_budget_wf.select_budget_approver.

This activity has two possible outcomes.

Notify Budget Approver Not Found (Node 3)

This activity notifies the submitter of the budget that no budget approver was found. The submitter can optionally resubmit the budget or terminate the submission.

Reset Budget Status to Rejected (Nodes 4, 8, and 12)

This activity sets the budget status to the Rejected. The process branches to an End (Not Baselined) node.

End (Not Baselined) (Nodes 5, 9, 13, and 16)

This activity terminates the process and returns the result Not Baselined.

Verify Budget Rules (Node 6)

This activity verifies that the project satisfies the requirements for approval by calling the client extension procedure pa_client_extn_budget.verify_budget_rules.

Notify: Budget Failed Verification Rules (Node 7)

This activity notifies the submitter that the budget failed the verification rules. The submitter may resubmit the budget for approval or terminate the submission.

Budget Approval Subprocess (Node 10)

This activity runs the Budget Approval Subprocess. See: Budget Approval Subprocess

Notify: Budget Rejected (Node 11)

This activity notifies the submitter that the budget was rejected.

Baseline Approved Budget (Node 14)

This activity sets the budget status to Baselined.

Notify: Budget Baseline Failed (Node 15)

This activity notifies the submitter that the budget baseline failed.

The baseline can fail if the budget was changed after it was approved, so that it no longer complies with the budget verification rules. An Oracle database error can also cause the failure.

Notify: Budget Approved and Baselined (Node 17)

This activity notifies the submitter that the budget was approved and baselined.

End (Baselined) (Node 18)

This activity terminates the process and returns the result Baselined.

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