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Viewing the Results of Suitability Matches

You can view the results of the matching in three different ways:

How Suitability Matching Works

In the Competence Match Criteria window, you set the range of levels and the matching type for each competence.

Range of Levels

The range of levels determines whether a match can be made. You have three main choices in setting this range:

Setting both a high and a low level establishes an exact range for the match. If the person's competence level is within the range this counts as a match. If it is either above or below the range there is no match.

To set just a low level for the competence means that any competence at or above this level counts as a match. To set a high level only means that any competence at or below this level counts as a match.

To set no level at all means that any score for this competence counts as a match.

Matching Type

The type of match you select can determine what effect a match or a non-match has on the person's score as a whole.

If you select essential for any competence, a person who fails to score a match for this competence over the range you set will not appear in the ranked list at all. Even if the person scores matches for other competencies, the failure to score a match in this essential competence rules him or her out of the list.

If you select desirable, a person who fails to score a match for this competence and range will still be ranked if he or she scores matches in other competencies. If the person scores matches in no competencies he or she will not be listed.

If you select not required, the competence itself does not count for the competence matching exercise. For example, a person scores matches with four competencies in the list. One of these competencies is marked 'not required'. The person's score is shown as three.

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