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Custom Reports

The Custom Reports function provides a generic reporting capability that makes use of a single report to print out a custom definition. This report is called PERGENRP.

The report is registered as a concurrent process and prints, in landscape format, the contents of the temporary table PER_GENERIC_OUTPUT_REPORT.

This table contains the individual components of a custom report and is populated by the PL/SQL package PERGENRP.pkb, stored in $PER_TOP/admin/sql. This package is executed when you select the Generate Report button on the Custom Reports window.

To submit a Custom Report:

Creating New Report Formats

A special feature of Custom Reports is that you do not need to create multiple reports. You modify the generic package (PERGENRP.pkb) and report to provide additional formats and parameters.

Three sample report formats are provided, each with a different set of parameters:

You can edit the generic package to change:

After you have modified the package, you need to register a new custom report, with the parameter set for that report. This is a task for the System Administrator.

To register a new Custom Report with parameters:

Attention: You must start the short name with PERCS. This will limit the list of values available to users in the Custom Report window.

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