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Querying, Reporting, and Exporting Data

Oracle Quality provides you with powerful inquiries that enable you to quickly find quality results. You can define your own selection criteria. For example, you can view failure results that are specific to item A54888 and that occurred at operation 10 during May of last year.

You can view quality results using on-line, ad hoc queries and through printed reports. You can also chart your results using trend charts, Pareto charts, control charts, and histograms. If you have purchased Statware's Statit and implemented the integration between Oracle Quality and Statit, you can view charts and descriptive statistic views using Statit's powerful graphical capabilities. See: Integrating Oracle Quality and Statware.

You can save the settings you use to create charts, descriptive statistic views, and custom reports. For example, you can create a Pareto chart that graphically illustrates the top failures for all assemblies on a specific production line. You can then save the settings for this chart. Later, after collecting additional data about failures occurring on this production line, you can re-chart your results.

Furthermore, you can copy the settings that you save for a (source) chart, descriptive statistic view, or custom report to a destination chart, descriptive statistic view, or custom report. Copying setting in this manner allows you to view the same subset of data in different ways. See: Copy Settings.

You can export information for further analysis. You can also access data directly from the quality data repository with products such as Oracle Discoverer/2000 and Oracle Developer/2000 as well as other data inquiry products which can select data from Oracle databases. Direct database access is facilitated by database views. See: Exporting Quality Results and Collection Plan and Import Results Database Views.

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