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Analyzing Product Defects Using Charts and Reports

You can create a variety of charts using Oracle Quality. You can also create custom reports.

Pareto Charts

You can summarize and chart product defects using Pareto's law to focus on the most often occurring defects. For example, you can create a Product Defects collection plan containing collection elements like defect code and quantity defective, as well as reference information collection elements like item, department, and supplier. You can use this collection plan to collect detailed results for each failed inspection. Once results are collected, you can create a Pareto chart showing the quantity of failed inspections by defect code, department, item category, and so on. See: Pareto Charts.


You can use histogram to provide a graphic summary of variation in a set of data. Histograms are useful in the study of process capability because they graphically display the shape, location, and scatter of quality results data. See: Histograms.

Trend Charts

You can use trend charts to analyze data collected over a period of time. For example, you can create a Glazing Process collection plan to collect process quality variables such as oven temperature and voltage from a glazing process. You can use this collection plan to record five readings at random times during each shift. Once the results are collected, you can create a trend chart to graphically display the results of temperature or voltage. See: Trend Charts.

Control Charts

You can use control charts to determine whether process stability has been upset by special or assignable causes. You can create the following types of control charts in Oracle Quality:

See: Control Charts.

Custom Reports

Using the Quality Results ReportWriter, you can create a variety of custom reports to list and summarize results. For example, if you have created and collected results using a collection plan that contains collection elements like item, job, job quantity, quantity completed, quantity scrapped, and inspection results, you can create a report that summarizes your inspection results as well as a report that uses these same results to show yield (quantity complete versus job quantity) by job, by item, or by item category. See: Using the Quality Results ReportWriter.

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