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Open Job and Schedule Interface

You can load planned orders, planned order update recommendations, and suggested repetitive schedules from any source -- planning systems, order entry systems, finite scheduling packages, production line sequencing programs, spreadsheets, and even custom entry forms -- into the Open Job and Schedule Interface. For example, if your plant directly feeds to your customer's plant, you can take demands directly from your customer rather than waiting for the next MRP run thus reducing response time and eliminating unnecessary overhead.

The Import Jobs and Schedules window is used to launch the WIP Mass Load program which validates records in the Open Job and Schedule Interface table and implements imported records as new discrete jobs, updated discrete jobs, and pending repetitive schedules accordingly.

Job and schedule information that fails validation or processing is marked. You can use the Pending Jobs and Schedules window to view, update, and resubmit this information.

See Also

Open Job and Schedule Interface, Oracle Manufacturing Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11

Overview of Reports and Programs

Importing Jobs and Schedules

Processing Pending Jobs and Schedules

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