Oracle 8i Data Cartridge Developer's Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Cartridge Services -- File I/O Interface

Table 13-30 OCI File I/O Interface Functions Quick Reference  
Function/Page  Purpose 


Initializes the OCIFile package. 


Terminates the OCIFile package. 


Opens a file. 


Closes a previously opened file. 


Reads from a file into a buffer. 


Writes buflen bytes into the file. 


Changes the current position in a file. 


Tests to see if the file exists. 


Gets the length of a file. 


Writes buffered data to a file. 



The OCIFileObject data structure holds information about the way in which a file should be opened and the way in which it will be accessed once it has been opened. When this structure is initialized by OCIFileOpen(), it becomes an identifier through which operations can be performed on that file. It is a necessary parameter to every function that operates on open files. This data structure is opaque to OCIFile clients. It is initialized by OCIFileOpen() and terminated by OCIFileClose().



Initializes the OCIFile package. It must be called before any other OCIFile routine is called.


sword OCIFileInit( dvoid    *hndl, 
                   OCIError *err);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().





Table 13-31 OCIFileInit Keywords/Parameters
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). 



Terminates the OCIFile package. It must be called after the OCIFile package is no longer being used.


sword OCIFileTerm( dvoid    *hndl, 
                   OCIError *err);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().





Table 13-32 OCIFileTerm Keywords/Parameters
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 



Opens a file.


sword OCIFileOpen( dvoid *hndl, 
                   OCIError       *err, 
                   OCIFileObject  **filep, 
                   OraText        *filename, 
                   OraText        *path, 
                   ub4            mode, 
                   ub4            create, 
                   ub4            type);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

The file identifier.

filename (IN)

The file name as a null-terminated string.

path (IN)

The path of the file as a null-terminated string.

mode (IN)

The mode in which to open the file. Valid modes are




create (IN)

Indicates if the file be created if it does not exist -- valid values are:

OCI_FILE_TRUNCATE -- create a file regardless of whether or not it exists. If the file already exists overwrite the existing file.

OCI_FILE_EXCL -- fail if the file exists, else create.

OCI_FILE_CREATE -- open the file if it exists, and create it if it does not.

OCI_FILE_APPEND -- set the file pointer to the end of the file prior to writing. This flag can be OR'ed with OCI_FILE_CREATE

type (IN)

File type. Valid values are










Table 13-33 OCIFileOpen Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

the file identifier 

filename (IN) 

the file name as a NULL-terminated string 

path (IN) 

the path of the file as a NULL-terminated string 

mode (IN) 

the mode in which to open the file. Valid modes are OCI_FILE_READ_ONLY, OCI_FILE_WRITE_ONLY, OCI_FILE_READ_WRITE 

create (IN) 

indicates if the file be created if it does not exist -- valid values are:

  • OCI_FILE_TRUNCATE -- create a file regardless of whether or not it exists. If the file already exists overwrite the existing file

  • OCI_FILE_EXCL -- fail if the file exists, else create.

  • OCI_FILE_CREATE -- open the file if it exists, and create it if it doesn't

  • OCI_FILE_APPEND -- set the file pointer to the end of the file prior to writing. This flag can be OR'ed with OCI_FILE_CREATE


type (IN) 




Closes a previously opened file.


sword OCIFileClose( dvoid         *hndl, 
                    OCIError      *err, 
                    OCIFileObject *filep);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

A pointer to a file identifier to be closed.


Once this returns, the OCIFileObject structure pointed to by filep will have been destroyed. Therefore, you should not attempt to access this structure after this returns.





Table 13-34 OCIFileClose Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

a pointer to a file identifier to be closed 



Reads from a file into a buffer.


sword OCIFileRead( dvoid         *hndl, 
                   OCIError      *err, 
                   OCIFileObject *filep, 
                   dvoid         *bufp, 
                   ub4           bufl, 
                   ub4           *bytesread);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

A file identifier that uniquely references the file.


The pointer to a buffer into which the data will be read. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be bufl.

bufl (IN)

The length of the buffer in bytes.

bytesread (OUT)

The number of bytes read.


As many bytes as possible will be read into the user buffer. The read will end either when the user buffer is full, or when it reaches end-of-file.





Table 13-35 OCIFileRead Keywords/Parameters
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

a file identifier that uniquely references the file 

bufp (IN) 

the pointer to a buffer into which the data will be read. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be bufl 

bufl (IN) 

the length of the buffer in bytes 

bytesread (OUT) 

the number of bytes read 



Writes buflen bytes into the file.


sword OCIFileWrite( dvoid         *hndl, 
                    OCIError      *err, 
                    OCIFileObject *filep, 
                    dvoid         *bufp, 
                    ub4           buflen, 
                    ub4           *byteswritten);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

A file identifier that uniquely references the file.


The pointer to a buffer from into which the data will be written. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be buflen.

buflen (IN)

The length of the buffer in bytes.

bytesread (OUT)

The number of bytes written.





Table 13-36 OCIFileWrite Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

a file identifier that uniquely references the file 

bufp (IN) 

the pointer to a buffer into which the data will be written; the length of the allocated memory is assumed to be buflen 

buflen (IN) 

the length of the buffer in bytes 

byteswritten (OUT) 

the number of bytes written 



Changes the current position in a file.


sword OCIFileSeek( dvoid         *hndl, 
                   OCIError      *err, 
                   OCIFileObject *filep, 
                   uword         origin, 
                   ubig_ora      offset, 
                   sb1           dir);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

A file identifier that uniquely references the file.


The starting point we want to seek from. The starting point may be


OCI_FILE_SEEK_CURRENT (current position),

OCI_FILE_SEEK_END (end of file).

offset (IN)

The number of bytes from the origin you want to start reading from.

dir (IN)

The direction to go from the origin.

NOTE: The direction can be either OCIFILE_FORWARD or OCIFILE_BACKWARD.


This will allow a seek past the end of the file. Reading from such a position will cause an end-of-file condition to be reported. Writing to such a position will not work on all file systems. This is because some systems do not allow files to grow dynamically. They require that files be preallocated with a fixed size. Note that this function performs a seek to a byte location.





Table 13-37 OCIFileSeek Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

a file identifier that uniquely references the file 

origin (IN) 

the starting point we want to seek from. The starting point may be OCI_FILE_SEEK_BEGINNING (beginning), OCI_FILE_SEEK_CURRENT (current position), or OCI_FILE_SEEK_END (end of file) 

offset (IN) 

the number of bytes from the origin you want to start reading from 

dir (IN) 

the direction we want to go from the origin. NOTE: The direction can be either OCIFILE_FORWARD or OCIFILE_BACKWARD 



Tests to see if the file exists.


sword OCIFileExists( dvoid    *hndl, 
                     OCIError *err, 
                     OraText  *filename, 
                     OraText  *path, 
                     ub1      *flag);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filename (IN)

The file name as a null-terminated string.

path (IN)

The path of the file as a null-terminated string.

flag (OUT)

Set to TRUE if the file exists or FALSE if it does not.





Table 13-38 OCIFileExists Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). 

filename (IN) 

the file name as a NULL-terminated string 

path (IN) 

the path of the file as a NULL-terminated string 

flag (OUT) 

set to TRUE if the file exists or FALSE if it does not 



Gets the length of a file.


sword OCIFileGetLength( dvoid    *hndl, 
                        OCIError *err, 
                        OraText  *filename, 
                        OraText  *path, 
                        ubig_ora *lenp);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filename (IN)

The file name as a null-terminated string.

path (IN)

The path of the file as a null-terminated string.

lenp (OUT)

Set to the length of the file in bytes.





Table 13-39 OCIFileGetLength Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filename (IN) 

the file name as a NULL-terminated string 

path (IN) 

the path of the file as a NULL-terminated string 

lenp (OUT) 

set to the length of the file in bytes 



Writes buffered data to a file.


sword OCIFileFlush( dvoid         *h
                    OCIError      *err, 
                    OCIFileObject *filep);


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet().

filep (IN/OUT)

A file identifier that uniquely references the file.





Table 13-40 OCIFileFlush Keywords/Parameters
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

filep (IN/OUT) 

a file identifier that uniquely references the file 

Cartridge Services -- File I/O Interface


The OCIFileObject data structure holds information about the way in which a file should be opened and the way in which it will be accessed once it has been opened. When this structure is initialized by OCIFileOpen(), it becomes an identifier through which operations can be performed on that file. It is a necessary parameter to every function that operates on open files. This data structure is opaque to OCIFile clients. It is initialized by OCIFileOpen() and terminated by OCIFileClose().

Cartridge Services -- String Formatting Interface


sword OCIFormatInit(dvoid *hndl, OCIError *err)

Initializes the OCIFormat package. This routine must be called before calling any other OCIFormat routine and it must only be called once.



Table 13-41 OCIFormatInit Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 


sword OCIFormatTerm(dvoid *hndl, OCIError *err)

Terminates the OCIFormat package. It must be called after the OCIFormat package is no longer being used and it must only be called once.



Table 13-42 OCIFormatTerm Keywords/Parameters
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). 


sword OCIFormatString(dvoid *hndl, OCIError *err, text *buffer, 
                      sbig_ora bufferLength, sbig_ora *returnLength, 
                      CONST text *formatString,...);

Writes a text string into the supplied text buffer using the argument list submitted to it and in accordance with the format string given. The first call to this routine must be preceded by a call to the OCIFormatInit routine that initializes the OCIFormat package for use. When this routine is no longer needed terminate the OCIFormat package by a call to the OCIFormatTerm routine.



Table 13-43 OCIFormatString Keywords/Parameters  
Keyword/Parameter  Meaning 

hndl (IN/OUT) 

the OCI environment or user session handle 

err (IN/OUT) 

the OCI error handle; if there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR; diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet() 

buffer (OUT) 

the buffer that contains the string 

bufferLength (IN) 

the length of the buffer in bytes 

returnLength (OUT) 

the number of bytes written to buffer (excluding the terminating NULL

formatString (IN) 

the format string which can be any combination of literal text and format specifications. A format specification is delimited by the '%' character and is followed by any number (including none) of optional format modifiers and terminated by a mandatory format code. If the format string ends with '%', i.e. with no format modifiers or format specifier following it, then no action is taken. The format modifiers and format codes available are described below. 

... (IN) 

variable number of arguments of the form <OCIFormat type wrapper>(<variable>) where <variable> must be a variable containing the value to be used - no constant values or expressions are allowed as arguments to the OCIFormat type wrappers; the OCIFormat type wrappers that are available are listed below; the argument list must be terminated with OCIFormatEnd

OCIFormatUb1(ub1 variable);

OCIFormatUb2(ub2 variable);

OCIFormatUb4(ub4 variable);

OCIFormatUword(uword variable);

OCIFormatUbig_ora(ubig_ora variable);

OCIFormatSb1(sb1 variable);

OCIFormatSb2(sb2 variable);

OCIFormatSb4(sb4 variable);

OCIFormatSword(sword variable);

OCIFormatSbig_ora(sbig_ora variable);

OCIFormatEb1(eb1 variable);

OCIFormatEb2(eb2 variable);

OCIFormatEb4(eb4 variable);

OCIFormatEword(eword variable);

OCIFormatChar (text variable);

OCIFormatText(CONST text *variable);

OCIFormatDouble(double variable);

OCIFormatDvoid(CONST dvoid *variable);


Format Modifiers

A format modifier alters or extends the format specification, allowing more specialized output. The format modifiers may be in any order and are all optional.

Flags (in any order)

Flag  Operation 


left-justify the output in the field 


always print a sign ('+' or '-') for numeric types 

' ' 

if a number's sign is not printed then print a space in the sign position 


pad numeric output with zeros not spaces  

Alternate output:
Field Width

<w> where <w> is a number specifying a minimum field width. The converted argument will be printed in a field at least this wide, and wider if necessary. If the converted argument takes up fewer display positions than the field width, it will be padded on the left (or right for left justification) to make up the field width. The padding character is normally a space, but it is a zero if the zero padding flag was specified. The special character '*' may be used in place of <w> and indicates the current argument is to be used for the field width value, the actual field or precision follows as the next sequential argument.


.<p> specifies a period followed by the number <p>, specifying the maximum number of display positions to print from a string, or digits after the radix point for a decimal number, or the minimum number of digits to print for an integer type (leading zeroes will be added to make up the difference). The special character '*' may be used in place of <p> indicating the current argument contains the precision value.

Argument Index

(<n>) where <n> is an integer index into the argument list with the first argument being 1. If no argument index is specified in a format specification the first argument is selected. The next time no argument index is specified in a format specification the second argument is selected and so on. Format specifications with and without argument indexes can be in any order and are independent of each other in operation.

For example, the format string "%u %(4)u %u %(2)u %u" selects the first, fourth, second, second, and third arguments given to OCIFormatString.

Format Codes

A format code specifies how to format an argument that is being written to a string.

Note that these codes can appear in upper case, which will cause all alphabetic characters in the output to appear in upper case except for text strings, which are not converted.

Codes  Operation 


single-byte character in the compiler character set 


signed decimal integer 


exponential (scientific) notation of the form [-]<d><r>[<d>...]e+[<d>]<d><d> where <r> is the radix character for the current language and <d> is any single digit; the default precision is given by the constant OCIFormatDP. the precision may be optionally specified as a format modifier - using a precision of 0 suppresses the radix character; the exponent is always printed in at least 2 digits, and can take up to 3 e.g. 1e+01, 1e+10, and 1e+100 


fixed decimal notation of the form [-]<d>[<d>...]<r>[<d>...] where <r> is the appropriate radix character for the current language and <d> is any single digit; the precision may be optionally specified as a format modifier- using a precision of 0 suppresses the radix character. the default precision is given by the constant OCIFormatDP 


variable floating-point notation; chooses 'e' or 'f', selecting 'f'' if the number will fit in the specified precision (default precision if unspecified), and choosing 'e' only if exponential format will allow more significant digits to be printed; does not print a radix character if number has no fractional part 


identical to 'd' 


unsigned octal integer 


platform specific pointer printout 


prints an argument using the default format code for its type:

ociformatub<n>, ociformatuword, ociformatubig_ora, ociformateb<n>, and ociformateword.

the format code used is 'u'.

ociformatsb<n>, ociformatsword, and ociformatsbig_ora.

the format code used is 'd'.


the format code used is 'c'.


prints text until trailing null is found.


the format code used is 'g'.


the format code used is 'p'.

' %' - print a '%'.



unsigned decimal integer 


unsigned hexadecimal integer 


/* This example shows the power of arbitrary argument    */
/* selection in the context of internationalization.  A  */
/* date is formatted in 2 different ways for 2 different */
/* countries according to the format string yet the      */
/* argument list submitted to OCIFormatString remains    */
/* invariant.                                            */

text      buffer[255];
ub1       day, month, year;
OCIError *err;
dvoid    *hndl;

/* Set the date. */

day   = 10;
month = 3;
year  = 97;

/* Work out the date in United States' style: mm/dd/yy *:/
OCIFormatString(hndl, err,
                buffer, (sbig_ora)sizeof(buffer),
                (CONST text *)"%(2)02u/%(1)02u/%(3)02u",
                OCIFormatEnd);    /* Buffer is "03/10/97". */

/* Work out the date in New Zealand style: dd/mm/yy *:/
OCIFormatString(hndl, err,
                buffer, (sbig_ora)sizeof(buffer),
                (CONST text *)"%(1)02u/%(2)02u/%(3)02u",
                OCIFormatEnd);    /* Buffer is "10/03/97". */

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