Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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What is Oracle Advanced Queuing? , 5 of 7

Features of Advanced Queuing (AQ)

By integrating transaction processing with queuing technology, persistent messaging in the form of Advanced Queuing is made possible. The following overview considers the features of Oracle AQ under four headings:

General Features

The following features apply to all aspects of Oracle AQ.

SQL Access

Messages are placed in normal rows in a database table, and so can be queried using standard SQL. This means that you can use SQL to access the message properties, the message history and the payload. All available SQL technology, such as indexes, can be used to optimize the access to messages.

Integrated Database Level Operational Support

Standard database features such as recovery, restart and enterprise manager are supported. Oracle AQ queues are implemented in database tables, hence all the operational benefits of high availability, scalability and reliability are applicable to queue data. In addition, database development and management tools can be used with queues. For instance, queue tables can be imported and exported.

Structured Payload

Users can use object types to structure and manage message payloads. RDBMSs in general have had a far richer typing system than messaging systems. Since Oracle8i is an object-relational DBMS, it supports both traditional relational types as well as user-defined types. Many powerful features are enabled as a result of having strongly typed content such as content whose format is defined by an external type system. These include:

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Structured Payload in Chapter 8, "A Sample Application Using AQ")

Retention and Message History

Users of AQ can specify that messages be retained after consumption. The systems administrator can specify the duration for which messages will be retained. Oracle AQ stores information about the history of each message, preserving the queue and message properties of delay, expiration, and retention for messages destined for local or remote recipients. The information contains the ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE time and the identification of the transaction that executed each request. This allows users to keep a history of relevant messages. The history can be used for tracking, data warehouse and data mining operations.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Retention and Message History)

Tracking and Event Journals

If messages are retained they can be related to each other. For example: if a message m2 is produced as a result of the consumption of message m1, m1 is related to m2. This allows users to track sequences of related messages. These sequences represent "event journals" which are often constructed by applications. Oracle AQ is designed to let applications create event journals automatically.

Integrated Transactions

The integration of control information with content (data payload) simplifies application development and management.

Queue Level Access Control

With Oracle8i, an owner of an 8.1 style queue can grant or revoke queue level privileges on the queue. DBAs can grant or revoke new AQ system level privileges to any database user. DBAs can also make any database user an AQ administrator.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Queue Level Access Control).

Non-Persistent Queues

AQ can deliver non-persistent messages asynchronously to subscribers. These messages can be event-driven and do not persist beyond the failure of the system (or instance). AQ supports persistent and non-persistent messages with a common API.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Support for Oracle Parallel Server).

Publish/ Subscribe Support

A combination of features are introduced to allow a publish/subscribe style of messaging between applications. These features include rule-based subscribers, message propagation, the listen feature and notification capabilities.

Support for OPS Environments

With Oracle8i release 8.1.5, an application can specify the instance affinity for a queue-table. When AQ is used with parallel server and multiple instances, this information is used to partition the queue-tables between instances for queue-monitor scheduling. The queue-table is monitored by the queue-monitors of the instance specified by the user. If an instance affinity is not specified, the queue-tables will be arbitrarily partitioned among the available instances. There can be "pinging" between the application accessing the queue-table and the queue-monitor monitoring it. Specifying the instance-affinity does not prevent the application from accessing the queue-table and its queues from other instances.

This feature prevents "pinging" between queue monitors and AQ propagation jobs running in different instances. In Oracle8i release 8.1.5 an instance affinity (primary and secondary) can be specified for a queue table. When AQ is used with parallel server and multiple instances, this information is used to partition the queue-tables between instances for queue-monitor scheduling as well as for propagation. At any time, the queue table is affiliated to one instance. In the absence of an explicitly specified affinity, any available instance is made the owner of the queue table. If the owner of the queue table dies, the secondary instance or some available instance takes over the ownership for the queue table.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Support for Oracle Parallel Server).

Support for Statistics Views

Basic statistics about queues in the database are available via the GV$AQ view.

Reliability and Recoverability

The standard database reliability and recoverability characteristics apply to queue data.

ENQUEUE Features

The following features apply to the process of producing messages by enqueuing them into a queue.

Correlation Identifier

Users can assign an identifier to each message, thus providing a means to retrieve specific messages at a later time.

Subscription & Recipient Lists

A single message can be designed to be consumed by multiple consumers. A queue administrator can specify the list of subscribers who can retrieve messages from a queue. Different queues can have different subscribers, and a consumer program can be a subscriber to more than one queue. Further, specific messages in a queue can be directed toward specific recipients who may or may not be subscribers to the queue, thereby overriding the subscriber list.

You can design a single message for consumption by multiple consumers in a number of different ways. The consumers who are allowed to retrieve the message are specified as explicit recipients of the message by the user or application that enqueues the message. Every explicit recipient is an agent identified by name, address and protocol.

A queue administrator may also specify a default list of recipients who can retrieve all the messages from a specific queue. These implicit recipients become subscribers to the queue by being specified in s default list. If a message is enqueued without specifying any explicit recipients, the message is delivered to all the designated subscribers.

A rule-based subscriber is one that has a rule associated with it in the default recipient list. A rule based subscriber will be sent a message with no explicit recipients specified only if the associated rule evaluated to TRUE for the message. Different queues can have different subscribers, and the same recipient can be a subscriber to more than one queue. Further, specific messages in a queue can be directed toward specific recipients who may or may not be subscribers to the queue, thereby over-riding the subscriber list.

A recipient may be specified only by its name, in which case the recipient must dequeue the message from the queue in which message was enqueued. It may be specified by its name and an address with a protocol value of 0. The address should be the name of another queue in the same database or another Oracle8i database (identified by the database link) in which case the message is propagated to the specified queue and can be dequeued by a consumer with the specified name. If the recipient's name is NULL, the message is propagated to the specified queue in the address and can be dequeued by the subscribers of the queue specified in the address. If the protocol field is nonzero, the name and address field is not interpreted by the system and the message can be dequeued by special consumer (see third party support in the propagation section).

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Elements of Advanced Queuing (Native AQ)).

Priority and Ordering of Messages in Enqueuing

It is possible to specify the priority of the enqueued message. An enqueued message can also have its exact position in the queue specified. This means that users have three options to specify the order in which messages are consumed: (a) a sort order specifies which properties are used to order all message in a queue; (b) a priority can be assigned to each message; (c) a sequence deviation allows you to position a message in relation to other messages. Further, if several consumers act on the same queue, a consumer will get the first message that is available for immediate consumption. A message that is in the process of being consumed by another consumer will be skipped.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to 3).

Message Grouping

Messages belonging to one queue can be grouped to form a set that can only be consumed by one user at a time. This requires the queue be created in a queue table that is enabled for message grouping. All messages belonging to a group have to be created in the same transaction and all messages created in one transaction belong to the same group. This feature allows users to segment complex messages into simple messages, for example, messages directed to a queue containing invoices could be constructed as a group of messages starting with the header message, followed by messages representing details, followed by the trailer message.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Message Grouping).


This feature enables applications to communicate with each other without having to be connected to the same database or to the same Queue. Messages can be propagated from one Oracle AQ to another, irrespective of whether these are local or remote. The propagation is done using database links, and Net8.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Asynchronous Notifications).

Sender Identification

Applications can mark the messages they send with a custom identification. Oracle also automatically identifies the queue from which a message was dequeued. This allows applications to track the pathway of a propagated message, or of a string messages within the same database.

Time Specification and Scheduling

Delay interval and/or expiration intervals can be specified for an enqueued message, thereby providing windows of execution. A message can be marked as available for processing only after a specified time elapses (a delay time) and has to be consumed before a specified time limit expires.

Rule-based Subscribers

A message can be delivered to multiple recipients based on message properties or message content. Users define a rule based subscription for a given queue as the mechanism to specify interest in receiving messages of interest. Rules can be specified based on message properties and message data (for object and raw payloads). Subscriber rules are then used to evaluate recipients for message delivery.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Rule-based Subscription).

Asynchronous Notification

OCI clients can use the new call OCISubscriptionRegister to register a callback for message notification. The client issues a registration call which specifies a subscription name and a callback. When messages for the subscription are received, the callback is invoked. The callback may then issue an explicit dequeue to retrieve the message.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Asynchronous Notifications).

DEQUEUE Features

Multiple Recipients

A message in queue can be retrieved by multiple recipients without there being multiple copies of the same message.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Multiple Recipients).

Local and Remote Recipients

Designated recipients can be located locally and/or at remote sites.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Local and Remote Recipients).

Navigation of Messages in Dequeuing

Users have several options to select a message from a queue. They can select the first message or once they have selected a message and established a position, they can retrieve the next. The selection is influenced by the ordering or can be limited by specifying a correlation identifier. Users can also retrieve a specific message using the message identifier.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Message Navigation in Dequeue).

Modes of Dequeuing

A DEQUEUE request can either browse or remove a message. If a message is browsed it remains available for further processing, if a message is removed, it is not available any more for DEQUEUE requests. Depending on the queue properties a removed message may be retained in the queue table.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Modes of Dequeuing).

Optimization of Waiting for the Arrival of Messages

A DEQUEUE could be issued against an empty queue. To avoid polling for the arrival of a new message a user can specify if and for how long the request is allowed to wait for the arrival of a message.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Optimization of Waiting for Arrival of Messages).

Retries with Delays

A message has to be consumed exactly once. If an attempt to dequeue a message fails and the transaction is rolled back, the message will be made available for reprocessing after some user specified delay elapses. Reprocessing will be attempted up to the user-specified limit.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Retry with Delay Interval).

Optional Transaction Protection

ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE requests are normally part of a transaction that contains the requests, thereby providing the desired transactional behavior. Users can, however, specify that a specific request is a transaction by itself making the result of that request immediately visible to other transactions. This means that messages can be made visible to the external world either as soon as the ENQUEUE or DEQUEUE statement is issued, or only after the transaction is committed.

Exception Handling

A message may not be consumed within given constraints, such as within the window of execution or within the limits of the retries. If such a condition arises, the message will be moved to a user-specified exception queue.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Exception Handling).

Listen Capability (Wait on Multiple Queues)

The listen call is a blocking call that can be used to wait for messages on multiple queues. It can be used by a gateway application to monitor a set of queues. An application can also use it to wait for messages on a list of subscriptions. If the listen returns successfully, a dequeue must be used to retrieve the message.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Listen Capability).

Dequeue Message Header with No Payload

The new dequeue mode REMOVE_NODATA can be used to remove a message from a queue without retrieving the payload. This mode will be useful for applications that want to delete messages with huge payloads and aren't interested in the payload contents.

Propagation Features

Automated Coordination of Enqueuing and Dequeuing

As already noted, recipients can be local or remote. Oracle8i does not support distributed object types, hence remote enqueuing or dequeuing using a standard database link does not work. However, you can use AQ's message propagation to enqueue to a remote queue.

For example, you can connect to database X and enqueue the message in a queue, say "DROPBOX" located in database X. You can configure AQ so that all messages enqueued in queue "DROPBOX" will be automatically propagated to another queue in a database Y, regardless whether database Y is local or remote. AQ will automatically check if the type of the remote queue in database Y is structurally equivalent to the type of the local queue in database X, and propagate the message.

Recipients of propagated messages can be either applications or queues. If the recipient is a queue, the actual recipients will be determined by the subscription list associated with the recipient queue.If the queues are remote, messages will be propagated using the specified database link. Only AQ to AQ message propagation is supported.

Propagation of Messages with LOBs

Propagation handles payloads with LOB attributes.

To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Example Scenario).

Propagation Scheduling

Messages can be scheduled to propagate from a queue to local or remote destinations. Administrators can specify the start time, the propagation window and a function to determine the next propagation window (for periodic schedules).

Enhanced Propagation Scheduling Capabilities

Detailed run-time information about propagation is gathered and stored in the DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES view for each propagation schedule. This information can be used by queue designers and administrators to fix problems or tune performance. For example, available statistics about the total and average number of message/bytes propagated can be used to tune schedules. Similarly, errors reported by the view can be used to diagnose and fix problems. The view also describes additional information such as the session ID of the session handling the propagation, and the process name of the job queue process handling the propagation. To see this feature applied in the context of the BooksOnLine scenario, refer to Enhanced Propagation Scheduling Capabilities).

Third Party Support

Advanced Queueing allows messages to be enqueued in queues that can then be propagated to different messaging systems by third party propagators. If the protocol number for a recipient is in the range 128 - 255, the address of the recipient is not interpreted by AQ and so the message is not propagated by the Advanced Queuing system. Instead a third party propagator can then dequeue the message by specifying a reserved consumer name in the dequeue operation. The reserved consumer names are of the form AQ$_P# where # is the protocol number in the range 128 - 255. For example, the consumer name AQ$_P128 can be used to dequeue messages for recipients with protocol number 128. The list of recipients for a message with the specific protocol number is returned in the recipient_list message property on dequeue.

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