Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs)
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Temporary LOBs, 3 of 29

Programmatic Environments


No Visual Basic or Java support for temporary LOBs is planned for the 8.1 release. 

Oracle8i supports the definition, creation, deletion, access, and update of temporary LOBs in the following programmatic environments or 'interfaces':


The 'interfaces' listed above, operate on temporary LOBs through locators in the same way that they do for permanent LOBs. Since temporary LOBs are never part of any table, you cannot use SQL DML to operate on them. You must manipulate them using the DBMS_LOB package, OCI, or the other programmatic interfaces.

Temporary LOB Locators Can be IN Values

SQL support for temporary LOBs is available in that temporary LOB locators can be used as IN values, with values accessed through a locator. Specifically, they can be used as follows:

Can You Use the Same Functions for Temporary and Internal Persistent LOBs?

Compare the use case model diagrams for temporary LOBs with the Figure 10-1, "Use Case Model Diagram: Internal Temporary LOBs (part 1 of 2)", and Figure 10-2, "Use Case Model Diagram: Internal temporary LOBs (part 2 of 2)". Observe that you can use the following functions for internal persistent LOBs and temporary LOBs:

In addition, you can use the ISTEMPORARY function to determine if a LOB is temporarily based on its locator.


One thing to keep in mind is that temporary LOBs do not support transactions and consistent reads. 

Temporary LOB Data is Stored in Temporary Tablespace

Temporary LOBs are not stored permanently in the database like other data. The data is stored in temporary tablespaces and is not stored in any tables. This means you can CREATE an internal temporary LOB (BLOB,CLOB, NCLOB) on the server independent of any table, but you cannot store that LOB.

Since temporary LOBs are not associated with table schema, there is no meaning to the terms "inline" and "out-of-line" for temporary LOBs.


All temporary LOBs reside on the server. There is no support for client-side temporary LOBs. 

Lifetime and Duration of Temporary LOBs

The default lifetime of a temporary LOB is a session.

The interface for creating temporary LOBs includes a parameter that lets you specify the default scope of the life of the temporary LOB. By default, all temporary LOBs are deleted at the end of the session in which they were created. If a process dies unexpectedly or the database crashes, all temporary LOBs are deleted.

OCI Can Group Temporary LOBs into Logical Buckets

OCI users can group temporary LOBs together into a logical bucket.

"OCIDuration" represents a store for temporary LOBs. There is a default duration for every session into which temporary LOBs are placed if you do not specify a specific duration. The default duration ends when your session ends. Also, you can perform an OCIDurationEnd operation which frees all OCIDuration contents.

Memory Handling


Temporary LOBs are especially useful when you want to perform transformational operations on a LOB -- such as morphing an image, or changing a LOB from one format to another -- and then return it to the database.

These transformational operations can use LOB Buffering. You can specify CACHE,NOCACHE,or CACHE READS for each temporary LOB, and FREE an individual temporary LOB when you have no further need for it.

Temporary Tablespace

Your temporary tablespace is used to store temporary LOB data. Data storage resources are controlled by the DBA through control of a user's access to temporary tablespaces, and by the creation of different temporary tablespaces.

Explicitly Free Temporary LOB Space to Reuse It

Memory usage increases incrementally as the number of temporary LOBs grows. You can reuse temporary LOB space in your session by freeing temporary LOBs explicitly.

Selecting a Permanent LOB INTO a Temporary LOB Locator

We previously noted that if you perform the following:

SELECT permanent_lob INTO temporary_lob_locator FROM y_blah WHERE x_blah

the temporary_lob_locator will get overwritten with the permanent_lob's locator. The temporary_lob_locator now points to the LOB stored in the table.


Unless you saved the temporary_lob's locator in another variable, you will lose track of the LOB that temporary_lob_locator originally pointed at before the SELECT INTO operation.

In this case the temporary LOB will not get implicitly freed. If you do not wish to waste space, explicitly free a temporary LOB before overwriting it with a permanent LOB locator.  

Since CR and rollbacks are not supported for temporary LOBs, you will have to free the temporary LOB and start over again if you run into an error.

Locators and Semantics

Creation of a temporary LOB instance by a user causes the engine to create, and return a locator to LOB data. Temporary LOBs do not support any operations that are not supported for persistent LOB locators, but temporary LOB locators have specific features.

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