Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs)
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Temporary LOBs, 2 of 29

Use Case Model: Internal Temporary LOBs

Table 10-1, "Use Case Model Overview: Internal Temporary LOBs", indicates with + where examples are provided for specific use cases and in which programmatic environment (see Chapter 3, "LOB Programmatic Environments" for a complete discussion and references to related manuals).

We refer to programmatic environments by means of the following abbreviations:

Table 10-1 Use Case Model Overview: Internal Temporary LOBs

Use Case and Page     Programmatic Environment Examples 
  P  O  B  C  V  J 

Create a Temporary LOB  







See If a LOB is Temporary  







Free a Temporary LOB  







Load a Temporary LOB with Data from a BFILE  







See If a Temporary LOB Is Open  







Display Temporary LOB Data  







Read Data from a Temporary LOB  







Read Portion of Temporary LOB (substr)  







Compare All or Part of Two (Temporary) LOBs  







See If a Pattern Exists in a Temporary LOB (instr)  







Get the Length of a Temporary LOB  







Copy All or Part of One (Temporary) LOB to Another  







Copy a LOB Locator for a Temporary LOB  







Is One Temporary LOB Locator Equal to Another  







See If a LOB Locator for a Temporary LOB Is Initialized  







Get Character Set ID of a Temporary LOB  







Get Character Set Form of a Temporary LOB  







Append One (Temporary) LOB to Another  







Write Append to a Temporary LOB  







Write Data to a Temporary LOB  







Trim Temporary LOB Data  







Erase Part of a Temporary LOB  







Enable LOB Buffering for a Temporary LOB  







Flush Buffer for a Temporary LOB  







Disable LOB Buffering for a Temporary LOB  







Figure 10-1 Use Case Model Diagram: Internal Temporary LOBs (part 1 of 2)

Figure 10-2 Use Case Model Diagram: Internal temporary LOBs (part 2 of 2)

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