Oracle(R) Enterprise Manager Oracle(R) Trace User's Guide
Release 2.0







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1 Overview

Oracle Trace Manager
Managing Collections
Collecting Event Data
Accessing Collected Data
Oracle Trace Environment
Components on the Client
Components on the Server
Checklist of Components Needed to Run Oracle Trace

2 Using Oracle Trace

Starting Oracle Trace
Discovering Products
Results of Discovery
Viewing the Oracle Trace Manager Main Window
Left Pane
Right Pane
Toolbar Icons
Viewing Oracle Trace Manager Menus
File Menu
Edit Menu
View Menu
Collection Menu
Product Menu
Help Menu

3 Working with Collections

Creating Collections
Step 1: Select Server Nodes
Step 2: Choose Oracle Installation
Step 3: Select Event Sets
Step 4: Limit Data Collected by Users
Step 5: Limit Data Collected by Wait Events
Step 6: Name Collection Definition File
Step 7: Schedule the Collection
Advanced Scheduling Options
Step 8: Select Formatting Option
Advanced Formatting Options
Summary Page
Viewing Collection Definition and Properties
Creating Like Collections
Stopping Collections
Formatting Collections
Preparing to Format Oracle Trace Data
Formatting a Collection Using Oracle Trace Manager
Deleting Collection Entries
Deleting Formatted Data
Deleting Collection Files
Running Reports

4 Oracle Trace Data Viewer

Usage Scenarios for Data Viewer
Starting Data Viewer
Starting Data Viewer from Within Oracle Trace
Starting Data Viewer from Oracle Enterprise Manager
Starting Data Viewer from the Start Menu
Using Data Viewer
Computing Statistics - Preparing Data for Fast Access and Analysis
Displaying Data Views
Accessing the Definition of a Data View
Viewing Data in a Data View
Creating Custom Data Views
Modifying or Extending Data Views
Drill-Down of Data Views
Selecting a Drill-Down Data View
Modifying Drill-Down Data Views
Saving As Data Views and Files
Printing Data Views
Using the Data View Wizard
Choosing an Event
Choosing Items Associated with the Selected Event
Choosing the Sort Criteria
Defining the Number of Rows to Display
Reviewing the Summary Page

A Manual Collection of Oracle Trace Data

Using the Oracle Trace Command-Line Interface
Using Initialization Parameters to Control Oracle Trace
Enabling Oracle Trace Collections for Oracle8 Server
Determining the Event Set that Oracle Trace Collects
Using Stored Procedure Packages to Control Oracle Trace
Oracle Trace Collection Results
Formatting Oracle Trace Data to Oracle Tables
New otrcfmt Image for Oracle Server Releases 7.3.4 and 8.0.4
Oracle Trace Statistics Reporting Utility

B Oracle Server Events

Data Items Collected for Events
Resource Utilization Items
Cross-Product Items
Items Specific to Oracle Server Events
Items Associated with Each Event
Event Statistics Block
Connection Event
Disconnect Event
ErrorStack Event
Migration Event
ApplReg Event
RowSource Event
RowSource Event (Specific to Oracle Server Release 8.0.2 and Higher)
SQLSegment Event
Wait Event
Parse Event
Execute Event
Fetch Event
LogicalTX Event
PhysicalTX Event

C Troubleshooting Oracle Trace

Typical Problems Encountered While Using Oracle Trace
Server Environment
Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration
Network Configuration
Oracle Intelligent Agent (UNIX Specific)
Oracle Intelligent Agent (NT Specific)
Database Configuration
Oracle Trace Configuration
Data Viewer Problems
Could Not View Oracle Trace Formatted Data
Need to Restore Formatted Data
Wait Times Were Not Collected
Additional Formatted Data Is Missing from Data Viewer
Missing SQL Statement from Collection
Collection Is Too Large
Poor Performance
Table or View Does Not Exist (or No Data in Collection)
Oracle Trace Manager Problems
Failure Connecting to Show User List
Format of Collection Failed
Collection Is Empty
Oracle Trace Could Not Access Memory
Isolating an Oracle Trace Problem
Isolating a Problem in Oracle Trace Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager Job System
Formatter Tables
Isolating a Problem in Oracle Trace Collection Services
Oracle Trace Command-Line Interface
Stored Procedures
Oracle Trace Manager Logging
Information Needed When Reporting a Problem


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