Oracle(R) Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack
Release 2.1







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1 Overview

Oracle Advanced Event Tests
Oracle Performance Manager
Oracle Capacity Planner
Oracle Trace
Oracle TopSessions
Typical Scenario for Using the Diagnostics Pack
System Monitoring and Problem Detection
Diagnosing the Cause of the Problem
Examining the Current State of the System
Investigating Resource Usage
Identifying Problem Sessions
Identifying High Impact SQL
Analyzing Past Information
Correcting the Problem

2 Post-Installation Configuration

Setting Up Advanced Events
Setting Up Capacity Planner and Performance Manager
Configuring Oracle Data Gatherer to Collect Data
Enabling Disk Statistics Collection on Windows NT
Converting User-Defined Charts From Previous Releases of Performance Manager
Converting Performance Manager Release 1.5.0 User-Defined Charts
Converting Performance Manager Release 1.6.0 User-Defined Charts
Using Performance Manager in a Parallel Server Environment
Setting Up TopSessions
Setting Up Trace
Using Trace for Oracle8 Server Collections
Using Trace for Oracle 7.3.4 Server Collections
Creating Trace Formatter Tables
Creating New Formatter Tables
Dropping Existing Formatter Tables
Upgrading Formatter Tables
Other Configuration Information

3 Introduction to Oracle Performance Manager

Accessing Performance Data Through an Intermediate Host
Usage Scenarios for Oracle Performance Manager
Starting Oracle Performance Manager
Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Console
Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Start Menu
Running Performance Manager in Repository Mode
Running Performance Manager in Standalone Mode
Using the Oracle Performance Manager Main Window
Connecting to a Discovered Service in Repository Mode
Manually Connecting to a Service
Viewing Performance Manager Charts
Monitoring Multiple Services Concurrently
Viewing Chart Groups
Selecting Collected Data and Data Sources
Using the Chart Display Window
Selecting a Chart Format
Setting the Chart Refresh Rate
Pausing and Restarting a Chart
Selecting Chart Options
Chart-Specific Commands
Drilling Down from One Chart to Another
Drilling Down to an Historical Chart
Displaying Alternate Chart Orientations
Sorting Data in a Table Chart
Saving Your Changes to a Chart
Obtaining Help for a Class, Chart, or Data Item
Printing a Chart
Generating a Report for a Chart
Recording Chart Data
Starting a Recording
Stopping a Recording
Playing a Recording
Removing a Recording
Creating a User-Defined Chart
Modifying an Existing User-Defined Chart
Modifying the Data Items for a User-Defined Chart
Copying a User-Defined Chart
Converting Old Performance Manager User-Defined Charts

4 Introduction to Oracle Capacity Planner

How Capacity Planner Collects and Stores Performance Data
Accessing Historical Data Through an Intermediate Host
Usage Scenarios for Oracle Capacity Planner
Starting Oracle Capacity Planner
Using Help
Using Oracle Capacity Planner
Setting Up a Collection
Selecting Services
Selecting Services on Discovered Nodes
Selecting Services on Undiscovered Nodes
About the Service Property Sheet
Defining the Frequency of Collection Samples
Defining the Location of the Historical Database
Defining the Frequency of Loading Collection Data
Understanding When the Loader Runs
Understanding How Data Aggregation Works
Defining the Amount of Data to Keep
Applying and Reverting the Collection Settings for a Service
Selecting the Classes of Data to Collect
Starting Data Collection
Stopping Data Collection
Generating a Collection Report
Copying Collection Settings
Creating a User-Defined Class
Designating a Data Item as the Data Source for a User-Defined Class
Removing, Modifying, and Adding Data Items in a User-Defined Class
Modifying User-Defined Classes
Creating a User-Defined Class Like an Existing User-Defined Class
Starting Data Collection for a User-Defined Class
Deleting a User-Defined Class
Troubleshooting Collection and Load Problems
Analyzing Collected Data
Connecting to an Oracle Capacity Planner Historical Database
Organization of Data in the Navigator
Browsing the Collected Data
Viewing an Analysis for a Class of Data
Saving a Class Analysis as a User-Defined Analysis
Specifying Selection Criteria for a Class of Data
Viewing and Modifying User-Defined and Predefined Analyses
Creating a Copy of an Analysis
Renaming a User-Defined Analysis
Deleting a User-Defined Analysis
Working with Analyses
Viewing the Value of a Data Point
Selecting a Line
Adding a Class of Data to an Analysis
Modifying Selection Criteria from the Analysis Window
Removing a Line from a Chart
Excluding a Data Point from a Chart
Showing or Hiding the Chart Legend
Zooming and Scrolling to View More or Less Chart Data
Auto-Scaling Data
What Is a Trend Analysis?
Specifying and Performing a Trend Analysis
Saving Changes to a User-Defined or Predefined Analysis
Saving the Results of a User-Defined Analysis
Saving the Results of a Predefined Analysis
Printing an Analysis Chart
Generating a Report for an Analysis Chart
Understanding the Oracle Capacity Planner Historical Database
Understanding the Service Reference Table (vp_service_ref)
Understanding the Class Reference Table (vp_class_ref)
Understanding the Data Tables
Data Table Names
Data Table Contents

5 Using Oracle TopSessions

Before You Start Oracle TopSessions
Starting Oracle TopSessions
Oracle TopSessions Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Oracle TopSessions Menu Bar
File Menu
View Menu
Sessions Menu
Help Menu
Obtaining an Overview of Session Activity
Using the Right Mouse Button on the Main Display
Sorting the Order of Entries in the Main Display
Viewing Details About a Given Session
Session Details Pages
Session Details General Page
Session Details Statistics Page
Choose Statistics for Display Dialog Box
Session Details Cursors Page
Displaying an Explain Plan for a User Session
Session Details Locks Page
Session Details Display Refresh Time
Viewing Session Details for Multiple Sessions
Customizing the Session Information You Display
Options Sort Page
Options Refresh Page
Options Count Page
Exiting Oracle TopSessions

6 Oracle Advanced Event Tests

Database Fault Management Event Tests
Database Alert
Archiver Hung
Broken Jobs
Data Block Corruption
Database UpDown
Deferred Transactions
Error Transactions
Failed Jobs
Session Terminated
Unscheduled Jobs
User Blocks
Database Space Management Event Tests
ALERT File Large
Archive Full
Archive Full (%)
Chunk Small
Dump Full
Dump Full (%)
Fast Segment Growth
Maximum Extents
Multiple Extents
SnapShot Log Full
Tablespace Full
Database Resource Management Event Tests
Datafile Limit
Lock Limit
Process Limit
Session Limit
User Limit
Database Performance Management Event Tests
Buffer Cache
Continued Row
Data Dictionary Cache
Disk I/O
Free Buffer
Index Rebuild
In Memory Sorts
Library Cache
Net I/O
Redo Log Allocation
Rollback Contention
SysStat Table
SysStat Table Delta
Database Audit Management Event Test
User Audit
Node Fault Management Event Tests
Data Gatherer Alert Event
Data Gatherer UpDown (Node)
Node UpDown
Node Space Management Event Tests
Disk Full
Disk Full (%)
Swap Full
Node Performance Management Event Tests
CPU Utilization
CPU Paging
Listener Event Test
SQLnet UpDown
Numeric Pager Event IDs
User-Defined SQL Event Test

A Using Advanced Event Tests Effectively

Operational Management
Space Management
Performance Tuning


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